1. What is your IGN: BLTwitch 2a. Are you a town/nation - mayor/president or are you a member of a town/nation?: Mayor. 2b.. What is the name of the town/nation (If applicable): Bekana 3. Is this grief located in the wild? If so is it to a town with an outstanding Mayor application already made?: Not in wild. Already protected town. 4. What are the co-ordinates of this grief that is to be investigated? [x] [y] [z]: x: -2897 y: 69 z: 2803 5. Additional information/screenshots (If any): He was a member of the town and received a 1 day kick from the town.
Since it seems like you have taken care of this, we should not do anything further. Please to secure your doors from being locked by members, use /cpublic to make them public doors :3