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  1. Zhao Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Mayor ⚒️⚒️

    Jun 16, 2016
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    General Notes:
    Before I go on to the rest of the application I want to say a few things.

    As a minecraft player who has played the game on and off since the Alpha times I've has seen many griefers and bitter players. Minecraft is a collaborative community and should always remain as such. Although these particular actions of DroDude and AJCowLover don't explicitly break the ECC town rules, they are and upmost actions of significant grief and break the common sense rules of the game. Such players can ruin great communities such as ECC which have been in place for a significant time, and prevent other players from doing great things. Please staff of ECC, find the appropriate actions to take against these players.

    Thank you,

    Minecraft Username: Zhao

    Affiliation: I am the mayor of this town

    Town Name: Abacus

    Town World: Legacy

    Is the Grief located in the Wild? If so, is there a pending Mayor application for this defined region?
    Technically there area has yet to be claimed, however the Griefer was well aware of the future town area as there were town borders already placed. It will be obvious if you take a look at the photos.

    Co-ordinates of Grief:
    X:14784 Y: 63 Z:-5824

    Brief Description:
    Unnecessary placement of lava with the intention of grief, as well as tearing up future town plot. Random spots of dirt torn up. Game Admin: Imaginex, already told the player to leave prior to the placement of lava, as he was already harassing and tearing up the land. See screenshots.

    Which users own the griefed area, or are allowed to edit blocks in the area:
    The griefed area was supposed to be taken up by me as an expansion of my town.

    Screenshots to assist Staff identify the grief:

    Screenshot (taken by imswag__)of Imaginex telling DroDude to follow general guidelines and stop harassing me and the area:

    Screenshot of the overall griefing: As you can see the "Enjoy" clearly indicates his intention to grief

    Screenshot of A sign he placed as an attempt to make me upset.

    Conversation with Imaginex as DroDude started tearing up the land (Prior to lava grief):

    Yes, rollback the griefed areas and or get the responsible to clean it up and potentially ban them.
    #1 Zhao, Jun 26, 2016
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2016
  2. Alarah ECC's Newest Sponsor!
    ECC Sponsor EcoLeader ⛰️⛰️⛰️ Ex-EcoLegend ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️ Prestige ⭐ II ⭐ Premium Upgrade

    Nov 20, 2012
    Trophy Points:
    Thank you for taking the time to file this report.

    Unfortunately due to the lack of a pending application and/or current town protections, we will be unable to take official action on this claim. Only after an application has been posted will there area be considered 100% protected.

    Report Dismissed.
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