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  1. lurkblader Hardcore-Farmer Giftcards-Buyer EcoMaster
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-EcoMaster ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️ Premium Upgrade

    May 6, 2013
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    This is the 1st grief report and rollback request.

    peregrines3469 only accepted rollback that's done by "zeek_da_boss".

    And that's not everything rolled back what I requested.

    I officially request roll back on damaged caused by MaxHazHax too.

    Most of them are 1st floor of farm.

    Below is the same contents on above link.

    Minecraft Username: lurkblader

    Affiliation: co-owner of town.

    Town Name: huaynapicchu

    Is the Grief located in the Wild? If so, is there a pending Mayor application for this defined region? It's inside of town area.

    Co-ordinates of Grief:
    1. -7637, 65, -10300 / all the rails and stonebricks on first floor of pumpkin farm.
    2. -7635, 65, -10357 / all the rails and stonebricks on first floor of pumpkin farm.
    3. -7652, 65, -10414 / all the town public rule board and public enderchest, cooking pot
    4. -7795, 65, -10398 / my house. all the quartz, wools, and sandstones and etc..7
    5. -7717, 71, -10421 / one of town member's plot has been griefed. check the wall.

    Brief Description: all explained right next to co-ordinates.

    Evidence:. Just go there and look. it didn't happen long time ago.

    Rollback: Yes. this is major scale of grief that's been damaged too much, too may spots. i want every thing gets rollback. And KMaxwell already cought "zeek_da_boss" and "imortal_isaac" but he didn't witnessed "MaxHazHax" doing grief on farm, but i saw it. but still by the rule, staff should witness the crime to ban right away, so i couldn't make him ban.. so can you please ban "MaxHazHax".
  2. clou44 Professional Forum Stalker
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Tycoon ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Premium Upgrade

    Sep 5, 2012
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    After investigating extensively and discussing the situation with other supermods and game admins, we have decided that the remaining grief is not worth a rollback. While there is quite a bit of grief left, it does not meet the requirements necessary for a rollback.

    Report locked, players already banned, no further action taken.
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