Minecraft Username: Nicks459
Affiliation: Town Owner/overseer
Town Name: Emptyland
Is the Grief located in the Wild? If so, is there a pending Mayor application for this defined region?
Town is fully protected and owned by Myself, Nicks459
Co-ordinates of Grief: The farm: x -8925 y 74 z -10783 / Brady3tears's house: x -8947 y 71 z -10783
Brief Description:The farm: Derooted all of the sugarcane. Brady's house: Broke into his house.
Brady's house: http://imgur.com/dllSFBL,Fcyn2xE#0
The farm: http://imgur.com/IJIzXFt,7EL5jfW#0
Rollback: No rollback necessary.