Looking for a loan to get something expensive that is only on sale for limited time? Or to get outta a sticky debt situation?
I'm your man for those of you who are looking for small to large scale loans!
If you are Mayor & $$$ or higher feel free to apply for a loan below!
Amount Available to loan:$27,000
Apply with this format below!
In Game name:
Rank in game(Must be Mayor and $$$ or higher):
How much you need:
Timeline for payback:
*paybacks MUST be %25 percent more or higher. No less.
In certain cases the interest may vary.
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Right now i have 37k available to loan out and will be expecting 56k back from @JoshCraft_FTW and another 17k back from him soon.
matt8865 and wenxuan100 your loans are due soon :) just a reminder!
Loans still waiting for return
JoshCraft_FTW Owes 26k/56k next week. (Paid 30k yesterday)
wenxuan100 owes about $95,000 at the moment and is due next week.
lukewhicker Owes 10k by tomorrow.