1. Emau Anti-PVP Miner
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Tycoon ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Premium Upgrade

    Nov 9, 2012
    Trophy Points:

    I have seen the increase of "Giveaways" not being followed through or withdrawn. Is there anything against this sort of behavior? I know, ingame, people have to follow through on auctions. I feel there isn't any deterrent for these actions.

    I also know that to bring up the history of a preson doing this is "trolling" or "flame-baiting".

    Since we can't bring it up and it continues to happen, does this mean that just anyone can do this with no consequences? To me, this tarnishes all the good that this type of action is supposed to be about.

    I know this seems like like a rant, but sometimes I want to post in some people's giveaway, to warn others that the holder of the contest hasn't fulfilled in previous giveaways and the applicants shouldn't get their hopes up.

    Is there a middle ground, where we can "warn" applicants without being warned for 'trying to start something'?

    This was written on the fly, so please excuse the emotion behind it. I just have seen this happen more and more often and think that a new rule might need to be in place if there isn't one already.

    Is there one? Is it even worth suggesting that there be one if there is not?
  2. Falconaire Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Tycoon ⚜️⚜️⚜️

    May 19, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    I've seen this topic brought up before, and I'll give the official response that was given previously.

    We do not punish players for not going through with giving away their money. It is frowned upon, but no action against them will be taken.

    There's no agreement that states that a Giveaway must be finished to completion, nor are you doing anything in return to get this prize. If there was something you had to do to qualify for a Giveaway, like paying 5k for admittance, not going through with the Giveaway would be illegal. IMO, people who don't go through with their Giveaways are one of my pet peeves. Giveaways are a major commitment that you should honor and recognize upon going into them, not doing so shows a lack of character.
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