Can you please clarify which items you'd like? c: I have a TON of items, the more you specify, the more you get!
PLEASE APPLY FOR ITEMS! I HAVE SO MUCH STUFF, TAKE IT FROM ME PLEASE! Even if you don't really need it, still apply!
Application for items: 1. IGN: Ausalu 2. Ranks: Mayor 3. Which items? I have building blocks, tools (listed above, please clarify), etc: Any of the armor or tools you listed: -Eff V Pickaxe named "Freddyagogo" (in bold pink and blue letters, this was a gift from him to me) -EFF 3, SILK 1, UNBRE 3 diamond pickaxe -eff V unbreaking 3 diamond pickaxe -Eff 4, silk 1 diamond pickaxe (x2) -Eff 5 Silk 1 diamond pickaxe -eff 5 unbreaking 3 diamond shovel -eff 5 unbr 3 diamond axe -Silk 1 Shears (i use these to shave my wooly back dont tell anyone) -Diamond helmet (aqua affinity juan), Diamond chestplace (blast protection 4, thorns 3), Diamond legs (protection 4),chain booties (fire prot 4, feather falling 4, thorns 3) 4. What will you be using these items for? Well I was able to get my 6 year old a town for really cheap where he could build things and play. There were a couple of locked donation chests that had a fort3 axe and an eff5 pickaxe in them. They were going to be his when we got the LWC unlocked and he was really excited. We got them unlocked and someone stole the enchanted items before we could get to them. He is pretty upset about it. But if you could spare an item or two from your list he would definitely appreciate it. I will give the items to him to play with -- not for me.
Application for a town: 1. In game name: 756airplane 2. Ranks: resident [$$$$] 3. Which town?: farmlin 4. What are you planning on doing with the town? Making automatic Cocoa Farm 5. How long have you been on ecc? 2-3 years
Application for a town 1. In game name: Corbynn1000 2. Ranks: Resident $$$$ 3. Which town? CrystalRidge 4. What are you planning on doing with the town? I am planing on making the town a village and farm for newer players 5. How long have you been on ecc? I have played ever since August 19, 2013
Application for items 1. IGN: Trey_B 2. Ranks: Mayor, [$$$] 3. Which items? I have building blocks, tools (listed above, please clarify), etc: Any items that could be of use to me to make my town as It is a very big project and will need any resources I can get. 4. What will you be using these items for? The building of my soon-to-be amazing town. Items requesting: all type of quartz], stone brick, leaves, fences, chests, glowstone, redstone, redstone lamps, buckets, 1 max silk pick 1 max fort pick, 2 max shovel, 2 max axe, 2 max sword, signs, stairs (all kids), dirt, ladder, melon seeds,pumpkin seeds, nether warts, wheat, carrots, potatoes, torches, diamonds, gold, iron, sirt, enchanted books, leads, saddles, nametags, all color wool, all color stained glass and clay,
Application for a town: 1. In game name: NR2502 2. Ranks: Resident and survivor and $$$ 3. Which town? Application for a town: Town of Calibercity 4. What are you planning on doing with the town? I'm going to make it a building town and have people build there. 5. How long have you been on ecc? 5 months and 2 weeks from today.
(applying for @twingirlkylie due to technical difficulties) Application for a town: 1. In game name: twingirlkylie 2. Ranks: resident 3. Which town? calibercity 4. What are you planning on doing with the town? make farms, give people plots, and have storage wars 5. How long have you been on ecc? two months ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application for the moneys: 1. IGN: twingirlkylie 2. Ranks: resident 3. Are you going to put it in lotto? maybe a little 4. Please dont lie I know your putting it into the lotto no 5. What do you plan on doing with the money? getting a town 6. Are you aware that there are many people wanting this money, and there could be multiple winners? yes ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application for items: 1. IGN: twingirlkylie 2. Ranks: resident 3. Which items? I have building blocks, tools (listed above, please clarify), etc: unbre 3 silk 1 eff3, axe, shovel 4. What will you be using these items for? personal use, and like collecting enchanted stuff
Ok so here are the list of items i would like: Any type of wood log, plank, fence, door Any type of stone except cobblestone Any minerals or mineral blocks Torches Any type of quartz Red, light blue, yellow and light green wool All the clay i can possibly get Obsidian Brewing stands Farming stuff like seeds Any type of sandstone Grass, glass Any type of food Any block from the nether Mob drops Brick Blocks, any type of stairs Its long This post was posted by the fabulous slayer_boy_2000. Feel honoured that this was posted! X D p.s This is a signature
How long ago was this? You can talk to an admin if it was less than a week ago and they can investigate it for you. They can find out who it was and you can talk to them and try to get the items back.
Money Application 1. IGN: O_G1234 2. Ranks: Mayor 3. Are you going to put it in lotto? No 4. Please dont lie I know your putting it into the lotto: No 5. What do you plan on doing with the money? I would use it to give my town a head start. I could add some more homes so i could get some more people living there. I would use some of it to build a public farm. I just want to help my town so i can help other people. It would make it alot faster because i wouldnt have to mine forever! 6. Are you aware that there are many people wanting this money, and there could be multiple winners? Yes
The following people have items they need to pick up from Cybertron (/warp cybertron or go to the portal. Towns 4 - Quartz - Diamond - 7) SHOP L04 : @block_crusher @GTREX55 @Monchy93 @inkybait @wolfeboy96 @goblizz @Trey_B @Ausalu and @Slayer_boy_2000 STILL A LOT OF ITEMS LEFT OVER, KEEP APPLYING!
1. In game name: unicow1221 2. Ranks: Resident $ 3. Which town? Calibercity 4. What are you planning on doing with the town? Following the theme as I think (based on the screenshot) that it would be a very beneficial thing to do. I would expand on any farms the town might currently have, and provide permissions for people who might want them. 5. How long have you been on ecc? Depends on your definion of on. My forum join date is approximately 9 months ago, but I only started playing regularly in game about a month and a half ago. I understand how to operate a town and hope you will select me for this once in a lifetime opportunity. Again, thank you for providing this opportunity for all of us to partake in. May the best applicant win.
Thanks dat! This post was posted by the fabulous slayer_boy_2000. Feel honoured that this was posted! X D p.s This is a signature