Application for a town: 1. In game name: Avaina1918 2. Ranks: Mayor, $$$$ 3. Which town? I would love to run Crystalridge. 4. What are you planning on doing with the town? I'll finish it and develop it, and when it's done I'll give you a free house for your troubles. 5. How long have you been on ecc? Since September 2012, so over 2 years, and I'm not quitting soon! Application for the moneys: 1. IGN: Avaina1918 2. Ranks: Mayor, $$$$ 3. Are you going to put it in lotto? No 4. Please dont lie I know your putting it into the lotto no plz 5. What do you plan on doing with the money? Expanding my friends' towns (Belissima and Belissima2, owned by scotalot100 and missusboss) 6. Are you aware that there are many people wanting this money, and there could be multiple winners? Yes I do!
Application for a town 1. In game name: icecream0886 2. Ranks: Resident, Mayor 3. Which town? Town of Calibercity 4. What are you planning on doing with the town? I am planning to add a town hall, portal, pvp area, and a chat, i would like to add many event centers, to make it fun for ECC users. I would also have a goal of making a horse arena for horse games and stuff. Although i am probaly not going to get town i really like your kindness and thought about others in this giveaway, I am looking forward to making The Town of Calibercity an amazing ECC town!!! 5. How long have you been on ecc? 1.5 years Thank You! Icecream0886
Application for a town: 1. In game name: TheN00BISHPanda 2. Ranks: At the time of posting this I am a EcoLeader, VIP and Survivor 3. Which town? I would gladly like to take over the town of CrystalRidge. 4. What are you planning on doing with the town? I would most likely turn it into a non-profit plot town for new and old players alike. It would be part of my nation, PandaNation, these players would get access to free water placements, pyro placements, ExtCreations+ features, free tps and many more things! There would be free horse stables and farms! Everything in the town will be free! (fishing tables, access to farms, stores, plots, town features, donations, etc) 5. How long have you been on ecc? On this account I have been on ECC since April 28th, 2013. But combining 2 accounts it would be February 2013. MONEYS! 1. IGN: TheN00BISHPanda 2. Ranks: VIP, EcoLeader, Survivor (im not that rich don't worry) 3. Are you going to put it in lotto? Naw 4. Please dont lie I know your putting it into the lotto : If I do do lotto, it's 1 tick at a time D: 5. What do you plan on doing with the money? Help my Nation expand and this will help me to start offering things for cheaper/free 6. Are you aware that there are many people wanting this money, and there could be multiple winners? YUS
Application for the moneys: 1. IGN: minecraftninja05 2. Ranks: president 3. Are you going to put it in lotto? No 4. Please dont lie I know your putting it into the lotto: I won't, it will go towards my town 5. What do you plan on doing with the money? It will go towards my town 6. Are you aware that there are many people wanting this money, and there could be multiple winners? I understand
Application for a town: 1. In game name: unitedstates2002 2. Ranks:Resident (going to buy mayor soon) 3. Which town? Any town available 4. What are you planning on doing with the town? I am going to build up the town more and sell some homes 5. How long have you been on ecc? About a month (I have experience co-owning a town and running it, the town is pretty successful) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application for the moneys: 1. IGN: unitedstates2002 2. Ranks: Resident (going to buy mayor very soon) 3. Are you going to put it in lotto? I have never done lotto, so as a short answer: No 4. Please dont lie I know your putting it into the lotto: As I have said, I have never done lotto and I don't plan to 5. What do you plan on doing with the money? I will use it to buy resources to help build my town when I am mayor 6. Are you aware that there are many people wanting this money, and there could be multiple winners? Yes, I am aware
Application for a town: 1. In game name: block_crusher 2. Ranks: President, Survivor, Pilot, [VIP]. 3. Which town?: The town of Scarlin. 4. What are you planning on doing with the town?: Giving away free prebuilts to builders. 5. How long have you been on ecc?: Almost 3 years. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application for the moneys: 1. IGN: block_crusher 2. Ranks: President, Survivor, Pilot, [VIP]. 3. Are you going to put it in lotto?: No, lotto scares me lol. 4. Please dont lie I know your putting it into the lotto: No, I wont. 5. What do you plan on doing with the money?: Buying features and supporting the server 6. Are you aware that there are many people wanting this money, and there could be multiple winners?: Yes, I am aware of this. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application for items: 1. IGN: block_crusher 2. Ranks: President, Survivor, Pilot, [VIP]. 3. Which items? I have building blocks, tools (listed above, please clarify), etc: Eff v tools and sheep spawn egg. 4. What will you be using these items for?: I will sell them to make money for donations and give a few away to players in need.
Application for a town: 1. In game name: GTREX55 2. Ranks: Mayor [$$$], Survivor 3. Which town? Calibercity or CrystalRidge (Willing to take on either town) 4. What are you planning on doing with the town? If I were to receive Calibercity, I would continue to work on it and keep the style. And hopefully, in the future, i'd like to make it a town in which builders can get affordable, decent sized plots where they can get started. If I were to get Crystalridge, I would attempt to flatten the town, and hire builders and residents to help me out. I'd try to help new players out by paying them for helping me work on the town. Once it is flattened, I would try and make it a place where builders and residents can get cheap, affordable plots (Just like I would try to do with Calibercity) and I would make some farm where they can try and make money to eventually get to mayor and get their own town. I would keep hiring builders and residents to help me make roads and plots in the town, to try and make it feel like a decent town. Since I recently had to sell my old town due to the absence of my co-mayors to help me keep the town clean and nice (as well as finish my plans for it), I would very much like to start fresh and get a chance to make a nice town for new players. 5. How long have you been on ecc? I have been a member since February 23, 2013. Application for items: 1. IGN: GTREX55 2. Ranks: Mayor [$$$], Survivor 3. Which items? I have building blocks, tools (listed above, please clarify), etc: eff 5 unbreaking 3 diamond shovel and eff 5 unbr 3 diamond axe 4. What will you be using these items for? I'm building a farm, so dirt and wood are two things i really need and i lost my own axe and shovel a while ago, so these would be very useful right now. Also would come in handy for feature clearing projects. -Thank you for considering me!
Application for a town: 1. In game name: BigB_Man 2. Ranks: President, Survivor, [$$$] 3. Which town? CrystalRidge 4. What are you planning on doing with the town? Selling Houses to free for builders and newer players.... and making magnificent houses on it. Just want to help out the community 5. How long have you been on dcc? Over 1.5 Years.... Joined the forums on June 4, 2013 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Application for the moneys: 1. IGN: BigB_Man 2. Ranks: President, Survivor, [$$$] 3. Are you going to put it in lotto? Of Corse not. 4. Please dont lie I know your putting it into the lotto: I won't... Ive learned my lesson with lotto 5. What do you plan on doing with the money? Buying Features and keeping it.... Its not that I really need the money... Its cause I want it. 6. Are you aware that there are many people wanting this money, and there could be multiple winners? Yes
Application for items: 1. IGN: Mission001 2. Ranks: Moderator President 3. Which items? I have building blocks, tools (listed above, please clarify), etc: Anything that has been named 4. What will you be using these items for? I would like to put them into a collection, I have a weird habit of collecting things and one of these is collecting named goodies
Application for a town!!!!! 1. In game name: Cike25 2. Ranks: Mayor $$ 3. Which town? Farmlin & Scarlin 4. What are you planning on doing with the town? I would love to get my old towns back. I would clean them up, because I have more time to do that than before. I would also love to continue the legacy of dAtsheepd0e by keeping it as a nonprofit town. I would use it to help new builders. I always wanted people in my town, but It was never finished. Now, I will finally be able to. I would absolutely not kick out the former members of the town, because that is just cruel. I feel that I could work with these towns the best because they used to be mine, and you don't know what u got 'till it's gone. Like did u know that there is a giant underground area that I started to dig out? Thank you for your consideration. 5. How long have you been on ecc? A year and a half!
Application for the moneys: 1. IGN: Trey_B 2. Ranks: Mayor, [$$$] 3. Are you going to put it in lotto: No. I am actually going to use it towards the building of my town. 4. Please dont lie I know your putting it into the lotto: I barely lotto; if i do the max i put in is 2 tickets. 5. What do you plan on doing with the money? :Stated above 6. Are you aware that there are many people wanting this money, and there could be multiple winners?: Yes I am aware
Application for items 1. IGN: Trey_B 2. Ranks: Mayor, [$$$] 3. Which items? I have building blocks, tools (listed above, please clarify), etc: Any items that could be of use to me to make my town as It is a very big project and will need any resources I can get. 4. What will you be using these items for? The building of my soon-to-be amazing town.
Application for the moneys: 1. IGN: Bashdash100 2. Ranks: Mayor [$$$], Survivor 3. Are you going to put it in lotto? No 4. Please dont lie I know your putting it into the lotto 5. What do you plan on doing with the money? Get president and with the remaining cash start saving for tycoon 6. Are you aware that there are many people wanting this money, and there could be multiple winners? yus
Application for the moneys: $$$$ :3 1. IGN: tfg2002114 2. Ranks: Mayor [$] 3. Are you going to put it in lotto? Yeah there is a 0.000003% chance that i will become crazy 4. Please dont lie I know your putting it into the lotto. How did u know..... as i said 0.000003% 5. What do you plan on doing with the money? I was thinking to help some builders out, and make at least 10 shouts of saying dAtsheepd0e is AWESOME 6. Are you aware that there are many people wanting this money, and there could be multiple winners? Yeah im fine... "or is it..." Well I just want to say u are pretty awesome to do something so awesome! Well... Merry Christmas and happy new year <3
Application for a town: 1. In game name: Bashdash100 2. Ranks: Mayor [$$$] , Survivor 3. Which town? Crystal ridge, That was a really sad story about your pony i hope its in a better place ): @dAtsheepd0e 4. What are you planning on doing with the town? Possible turn it into farm perms but i will make a big park dedicated to your ponys @dAtsheepd0e 5. How long have you been on ecc? about a year now in game but i join the forums like 6 months ago or something
Application For Moneys 1. IGN: *--I_Am_Boss99 (Ik bad name XD)--* 2. Ranks: Resident/Co-Mayor 3. Are you going to put it in lotto? No, I never win anyways 4. Please dont lie I know your putting it into the lotto I SHALT NEVER 5. What do you plan on doing with the money? I plan on using it to buy ext-creations so i can make my town the best there is! 6. Are you aware that there are many people wanting this money, and there could be multiple winners? Yes, i do realize that. P.S.----- Have a good day!
Application for the moneys: 1. IGN: Riggs316 2. Ranks: Tycoon, Survivor, Pilot,VIP+ 3. Are you going to put it in lotto? Negative 4. Please dont lie I know your putting it into the lotto. Nope, definitely not. 5. What do you plan on doing with the money? Purchase a town portal, and/or a town warp for my town I'm currently working on that will offer free 10x10 plots to builders, with larger plots being available for extremely cheap prices. 6. Are you aware that there are many people wanting this money, and there could be multiple winners? Yes I am.