Minecraft Username: @Giant_leader
Reason of Ban: scamming many users of money
Rule violated: scamming people out of money
Please explain in your own words what the rule(s) means: scamming of money is taking currency or item and not paying off a agreed amount by a agreed date or time
Reason you feel you think you should be unbanned:
i @averagejoe2012 am posting this appeal for @Giant_leader so that it will convince the admins and owner to bring back this user who was wrongly permabanned
with all of the complaints that was filed against this user there is not a single reference that says that he is permabanned or a document that says complaint locked permaban issued
instead the user @Giant_leader was wrongly permabanned from the server and forums by the previous owner aka @andrewkm and kept out by the current owner aka @Physicistsmom
if this is false plz show me this proof of him being permabanned or a lock on 1 of his complaints with a sentence being carried out in the form of a permaban cause i cant find a single 1
i have attempted to persuade the owner to lift the permban and bring this user back i will stick my reputation on the line and vouch for the user @Giant_leader that he has changed
i @averagejoe2012 currently have a 9.5 million balance and make 500k per week so i will take responsibilty and assist the user @Giant_leader in paying his debt to ECC we will have it paid off in a month tops
i plead with the owner and admins plz bring this user back he has done wrong in the past to ecc and over skype has expressed deep sorrow for all past actions
@Giant_leader has been banned for almost 2 months and has had time to think about his actions and wishes to do right by the server and return and pay off his debt
i am confident with my help that i can keep him on the right track and we can have that debt that he owes paid off in 1 month time max
the user has changed and i and my massive balance am willing to assist him in paying his debt to ecc so that he may return and ecc can get some closher to the wrong doings that has been forsaken upon it
gmail discussion that me and @Physicistsmom and i had over the user @Giant_leader about bringing him back below
to the best of my knowledge the user giant_leader has attemped to email the owner @Physicistsmom to become unpermabanned and had little or no luck he feels ignored he has been waiting weeks maybe even a month for any solid response and I and he is ready to come back and pay the community of ECC the debt that he owes
conversation between @Giant_leader and @Physicistsmom discussing how he can return
@Physicistsmom will be able to find it through her gmail im confident in that if she did not delete and trash it already
i will add that i did attemp to email the owner and user @Physicistsmom and she end the email conversation by saying this "Im sorry but this is just not happening. Decision is final." how in any way does that help the community of ecc get any form of closher.
plz look deep into ur heart and forgive this user and make him return and pay off his debt to the users of ECC he is truely sorry and wishes for nothing more then to return and rejoin the amazing community of ECC again
i hope this is enough for u the admins and owner to reinstate to user @Giant_leader back into the ECC community
thank: @averagejoe2012
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averagejoe2012 BuilderBuilder ⛰️ Ex-EcoLegend ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️ Prestige ⭐ I ⭐
averagejoe2012 BuilderBuilder ⛰️ Ex-EcoLegend ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️ Prestige ⭐ I ⭐
players he owes money add any if i miss them
this is who i owe from when i got banned a month ago: @FuryFudge 590k, @mrcooltrey 150k, i owe @314 35k, @milesdarkedge 70k, and 260k to @oRON647 @averagejoe2012 1 million 200k @CaptainCheesy 75k, 123k to @ChrisDKN, 250k to @DevotedToChrist 300k to @Cardinal3 and 85k to @Emau
i believe that is all so plz add any if u need to or what so i and @Giant_leader can start to kick this debts ass
also devotedtochrist is permabanned so if u want to not count him or what ever cause idk u may discuss what to do with that chunk of money if @Giant_leader is unpermabanned
that is all my info/ proof so plz bring back the user giant_leader i put my heart and soul into this appeal and we both want @Giant_leader back so he may pay off his debt-
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Hi average,
While I appreciate your interest in doing a kind deed for whom seems to be your friend, it has been deeply thought out and finalized by the higher authority.
Judging from what you had mentioned above, as phys said "Im sorry but this is just not happening. Decision is final," this user will most likely not be returning.
If you still feel this was unjust; scenarios regarding such matters are to be sent via email to physicistsmom@ecocitycraft.com.
Locked -- Dismissed-
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