The build/main map was pvp enabled! If you were in unprotected areas you could be killed ! Ahh I miss the good ole days! You could have mob spawners active in your towns Wewin was a prez for about 1 min. Has been a mod the entire time I have been here. I remember when he was a supermod and will always be my favorite! Monkeybutt was blue once Glooble was an awesome supermod twice Kuke was a dev and charged for his town placing! Wallstreet was more active with lots of shops Diamonds sold for $100 each and were a primary source of currency and camcliff and tommy basically controlled the whole diamond market You could make 30k an hour farming pumpkins A guy named templetguy gave free erepairs to everyone Thats all I got...
It is a well known fact that wewin was the first owner of wallstreet, and i believe ike said that he bought it himself, but not the exact nor the price for it
Moofink used to be the only mod that didn't donate (Obviously now she has donated.) I believe supermod used to be purple at one point for a short time Staff apps used to be much shorter and had to be pm'd to andrew directly And last but not least lotto used to not exist.
Back in the old day, there were no decimal points on ECC. This is the reason everything had a higher price. It had the same value though.
Oh! Joseph01234 is the first ECC user to go straight from Builder to EcoLeader! Congratulations, Joseph01234!!!
True facts: Obama loves Ecc (Im Obama) When i got banned (i was resident).. the Us Army said they will attack Canada (because Ecc is canadian) if they dont unban me. Canada was afraid so Ecc unbanned me
New fact! Deleting threads and posts is possible! I know you have to be ECC staff, but I'm not sure what the lowest rank to do so is.
It used to be wewin's towns, but Ike bought it from him a long time ago. They started out at $3 and only got lower from there on, they were never $4 I have had the most ranks out of anyone on the server. Builder, Resident, Mayor, President, Tycoon, EcoLeader. Pilot, Captain. Survivor, Warrior, Terminator. Developer. Assistmod, moderator, seniormod, supermod, gameadmin. Supermod used to be purple. There used to be a rank called Admin, which was above supermod. But it got merged into supermod later. supermod inherited the admin colour. Assistmod was removed a couple of weeks after it was implemented, it was a useless rank and got merged into moderator. Seniormod was a rank between moderator and supermod, it later got removed and seniormods were promoted to supermods, because seniormods only checked grief. There used to be a whitelist on the server. Grief used to be illegal everywhere, but after we got more players we decided to make the wild griefable. I used to outrank wewinagain. And last andrewkm is not a server.