Changed the prize. Now giving away 180k to get President (comes with a town) if you're Mayor, or the money for an additional town if you're President+. Either way, the new prize is an unplaced town (you can name), money for a warp and i'll do the plots and layout etc free.
IGN: @AdmiralD While I would love to have the town of Kingsway since it is the same name as our family church back in the day. Since I would prefer to donate this to someone else, I will give a town I own to another player instead. Thank you for doing this @KingCharlie9 - looking forward to your return.
I hope this means you’re planning on coming back to stay! PS you should edit this into your main post
IGN: @Lurxolt Whoop whoop! Glad you aren't giving away your town afterall! You are one of the best neighbours i have despite our little differences in the past =)