Such solidarity - this is awesome! Truly makes me feel better to know that there are so many of us aging gamers out there. Growing old is one thing... growing up should be optional.
I think I need a signature that has my "Squeezed Into Life" date in it somewhere. Let me see if I can remember how this goes *blows dust out of brain* KMaxwell "My Lady, a flower as delicate and fresh as you, should not fear the seeds and blossoms that are yet to ripen, for they carry neither the scent of experience nor the beauty of wisdom. Should you acquire a position of responsibility and power, it is merely a fitting tribute to your bravery, respect, and devotion to others that you have shown that you hold within you." Feel better now? *grin* -the 42 year old dead oak tree
38 My daughter is older than most of the kids in the staff apps. As I've told many regarding their app, its not about age but maturity shown (and not in brief 10 minute intervals when apps are open). Act like an adult all the time, get treated like one. RagMan
I am only 18 (still older than a lot of people in staff applications...), but I often feel older than most who are very verbal. xP Most of my acquaintances and friends online are ~13-16, but they tend to have some far more mature aspects to their persona. Though, if I do not speak on voice or show my appearance, people tend to think I'm about 24. Depends on smiley abuse usage and how sleep deprived I am (or, overall, how derpy I'm feeling)... In general, even after people get to know me (including my voice and/or appearance), they still tend to think I'm closer to the 24 range. It's a bit disturbing at times, but.. oh well. xD
Well KM, as I would expect you to know, I too am not young either. We are not alone on this server. I actually didn't know we're the same age at 28 though. It is amazing how much properly spelling a word online or using punctuation and grammar will add / remove years to someone's perceived age.
loook @t all da big werds and speeling i canz do!!!11!1 Observe the enormous terms and immaculate word choice I employ What do you even think 78 year olds do that I relate to? :| Mhmm... For some reason, the way I perceive age is heavily based upon if they are able to take the tenth of a second it takes to type that comma or period...or if they are too lazy for even that. It's not until other large factors, like voice and actually talking to them for a while, do I throw that opinion out the window, because it's not always true. To be honest, there are some users on the server that when I first saw them, I didn't think they'd be people I'd like to talk to just because of things like their typing habits, but I actually did eventually start talking to them a lot more than everyone else on the server. Like... Synwannabe for example. I guess that's what I get for trying to stay literate - I start using it to determine maturity/age when those have absolutely nothing to do with it. I'm still not going to stop using that to determine age though... There still is those times at spawn when some random guy I don't know follows me around spawn and every time I stop moving he'll just say "dimonds" and stare at me. I assume that's his way of asking for diamonds...? lol, as far as I'm aware, he is young and doesn't know the proper way to spell 'diamonds', or ask for them (Or somebody trying to mess with me...but I don't think people like to troll that way.) - which is fine, we accept young users here.