You don't see the same refs each football game do you??? Same goes for any sport. You nub, but I'll still always love you
IGN: BoomBox51 Are you Resident+: Obvesly xD Do you have the fly donation feature?: yep Do you understand that when these tournaments take place, you must accept the duty of being a moderator?: yup I will handle these apps whenever I can, do you understand this :3?: yup
IGN: killrdarknes Timezone: PST Do you have the monay? ($2,500): Yus Do you agree/understand dem rules?: mmhm
IGN: BoomBox51 Timezone: EST Do you have the monay? ($2,500): Yes Do you agree/understand dem rules?:Yes i do
IGN: SmileZisGFX Timezone: Mountain(AZ) Do you have the monay? ($2,500): Yes Do you agree/understand dem rules?: Yes and I love them <3