A little while ago my Hand built computer that I bought for like 1000 $ has stopped allowing any minecrart servers: Failed to connect: The athentication servers are down for maintenance Does anyone know a fix... I can still get on my MacBook but that's not near as fast.
Have you tried restarting your client? It just gave me this message Ten (10) minutes ago. (But I've quite a bad connection right now). So I'd try that, only thing that I can think of that would help. Maybe try different IP's or restart your module. Edit: This thread should also probably be moved to the "Help/Support Section".
Exactly as it says on the tin, the authentication servers were down for maintenance. However, they appear to be back up now. You can check this at https://help.mojang.com/
Everyone tells me that no matter where I go but this has been happening for I've 4-5 months now... I can get onto multiplayer servers on a Mac but not a Windows ten?
This worked for me when discord wasn't able to load... might be the same problem. Go to your control panel and go to Network and Internet Click on Internet options and go to the connections tab at the top of the pop up Go down to LAN settings and if the 2 boxes at the bottom are checked, uncheck them. If they're already checked then idk but that always helps me with connections for some reason.
Keep in mind that I can see the news when I open up minecraft... but minecraft takes longer to load... And this authentication thing, is not just for ecc server. It happens on all servers I try to get on.
This is not something we can control. It's related to mojang's servers themselves. Reopen minecraft if it doesn't work and the servers are shown to be up.
Jamie this only happens on one computer... I can use one computer to get on servers but not the other. The computer I have to use now is slow and laggy. The one I had used before had worked until I got the new windows 10 update. Yet friends of mine like @CJZ2016 got the same update and it works. I understand if you don't have any ideas but I don't think this is related to Mojang.
I had the same issue with 1.12.2. My PC wouldnt allow Minecraft to run. I reset my clients and my PC and nothing worked. The solution that worked for me was to use a different client for 1.12.2, which specifically was Optifine for me. my MC runs fine now without crashing.
Realistically, we can't assist with local problems. My first bet would be the firewall on that computer. But I can't assist with troubleshooting.
If it's a gaming PC, uninstall McAfee. Or really any antivirus because a) They do nothing but pester you and ruin your computer b) Windows defender is reliable enough to get most jobs done