Minecraft Username: Joliver1998.
Brief Description: Building a bridge, I put the sign under a 3x1 wood row and another on the other side. Sometimes it will stay, sometimes it will pop off. Me and Mardigan_The_Mad worked for about half an hour trying to figure how to get it to work.
1: Place a 3 wide wood row one block above the ground.
2: Put a sign under the middle block on one row and put [Bridge] on the second line. And that's it for the sign.
2 1/2: If it pops off, theres the bug, you can try for several more times and possibly get it to work doing the exact same thing over and over.
3: If it doesn't pop off, redo it and odds are it will pop off.
How many times did you recreate this bug?: Several times. We only got the [Bridge] sign to stay in place a few times.
Result: The bridge sign pops off and doesn't stay.
Expected Result: The bridge sign to stay, and use to toggle a bridge.
Evidence: It's hard to take screenshots of it. It just pops off, like breaking a block.
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