By andrewkm on Nov 26, 2018 at 6:56 PM
  1. andrewkm

    Founder Premium Upgrade

    Apr 5, 2011
    Trophy Points:
    Deadline for below is Monday December 3rd 9pm EST.

    To minimize the hit a few users are taking due to our recent news post:

    We are making the following exceptions.

    Exception 1:
    • User's who already have blocks available to level their islands to 15,000 but simply have not placed them will be allowed to apply for prestige.
    • Blocks will be checked via logblock and other resources and must be verifiable through server logs to have been available prior to the above news post. This prevents users simply buying blocks from others to apply for Exception 1, as this will absolutely not be allowed.
    • Don't forget to include a location for your blocks. Inventory/PlayerVaults is not a valid location for this exception. Your blocks must be in chests/other so that we may track them via logblock to ensure they were not simply purchased during the exceptions timeframe.
    • Once approved, you will need to place these blocks and apply for Prestige linking a screenshot of my approval.
    Exception 2:
    • User's who have a current island level of 3,000+ and have not yet reached 15,000 as of November 26th 2018 6:00PM (which only applies to the island owners in this screenshot:
      will be allowed to apply for this exception.)
    • Exception 2 will be approved/disapproved by a team of private SkyBlock judges of my choosing who will judge your current setup and determine if it is possible for you to reach 15,000 without purchasing blocks as a shortcut.
    • Several things will be taken into consideration with exception 2, including your online time on SkyBlock. Basically, if you've only been online for an hour a week, and your current island level is 3,000 - you'll instantly be denied as clearly it's not possible for you to reach 15,000 without purchasing blocks from others.
    • Once approved, you will need to continue your regular SkyBlock gameplay and reach island level 15,000, linking a screenshot of my approval.
    Exception 3:
    • Users who believe they fall into the "special circumstances" category may apply for Exception 3.
    • Examples include, "I just purchased SkyGod and several spawners and my goal was to quickly level to 15k before the end of the year".
    • If you believe you have a potential approvable "special circumstance" you may use this exception.
    • Be prepared to be very likely denied, as the chances for approval based on exception 3 are below 5%.
    To apply for one of these, please send a forum PM to me using the following link:

    Include answers to the following questions:

    Subject: SkyBlock Exception.
    1. Exception I am applying for:
    2. Very detailed information regarding my exception:
    #1 andrewkm, Nov 26, 2018
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2018


Discussion in 'News, Announcements & Server Information' started by andrewkm, Nov 26, 2018.