IGN: black_kkha
Town name: Endless_City
Position within town: Owner
Players who are being evicted: @67812
Do the above players need to remove their LWCs? Yes.
Reason for evicting the above users: Failure to pay rent for chestshop plot. Eviction notice sent, eviction date 13/11-2020. To avoid eviction the user will need to pay a late fee on 25% for each day, which means yesterdays fee will also be added on the next day fee.
Following fees:
Rent: 1500 each week
Fee: 25% for each day overdue.
1st day: 1875
2nd day: 2343,75
3rd day: 2929,69
After 3rd day, the eviction will be handed out, and a eviction fee will be added to to total rent:
Eviction fee is 3000.
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