By the way, I'll be posting a thread, I will be setting it up so you will only get back what you put in, you give him a 20k loan I pay you 20k, I'll organize it all, no trying to get extra money
The intrest was 20k and the agreement was 30k pues the extra days but i only want 30k so chill and stop trying to shoot down nice people. Thank you gideon i really appreciate it
If he gets a 50% profit, it really won't be fair. If builds is still doing the relief fund, I think its best if everyone got 50% first, then split the money left over, like in the obble fund. @SmalssSlime, you only lost 20k, I don't see why you should profit off this when others lost even more
He took around 450+ quartz block from a chest I forgot to lock at my town and I had Exilenela inspect it. I don't even know how Noah got there since i had no warp and my town is pretty much in the middle of nowhere. Creepy lol.
@BuildsByGideon Did you make a relief fund? Because I would like to make one if you haven't or I would like to help you with the current one.
I am doing a private one, contact me in game if you want to help me speaking of which @SmalssSlime pm me in game I have your money 20k not 30k sorry
sorry only just saw this, hardly go on forums, he owes me 7.5k on a 5k loan but ill be happy with the original back, no point making a profit off someone who's already broke and trying