Then I would resort back to my old way of talking... and cry on the inside You have vanished from your work and appear in a deserted aline. Not on it, in it. What do you do?
I'm guessing you said "airline," and my reply would be as follows *AHEM* I panic and jump out the nearest 2 story window. You get stuck on top of the space shuttle at spawn
pilot that space shuttle out to uranus, and finally end the joke about that name. you are now stuck on uranus, space shuttle is out of fuel.
Eat Rainbow, Magical llama flesh cures all ills! Rainbows father, Sunshine, is unhappy and is threatening to stop your weekly vacations to Mars!
I sue him because he's not my father and has no parental control over me. Facebook, Myspace, Twitter, and all other similar social media sights have been removed from the Internet.
You took a sip of your soda and saw a goat fly into you and go sideways while running up and floating down. Because of the radioactive macintosh ate nine, you are left with the command /fly turned off. Then the space walrus gets mad and changes the clock to 9:01 am. That causes the sun to skip down to the Wawa and buy a pack of gum which it chews with its dog. But the dog turns its head on a 20 degree axis causing the waffle to diagonal. Now, that is why the MineCraft stratosphere is the hexagonal shape it is. Some says pentagonal, but eventually learn their ways. By learning there ways, they see the truth that leads them to listen to Rebecca Black all day and Ke$ha all night. But on the nights they do not follow, cacti come and put a wrench in the ocelot's sandwich. Because the ocelot doesnt eat sandwiches, it flew sideway, diagonal, up, left. That is why the sky is blue.
I would add a plugin that would give mayors the ability to ban people from there town (meaning that the person couldn't even enter the town). What would you do if you looked behind you and saw TNT about ready to explode?
I'd travel back to the future where I'll have the money I have now plus the 100k I just got and be happy What if you spilled a full glass of cranberry juice on your brand new tux on prom night?
I have no idea. What if you woke up one morning and found you surrounded with TNT and someone counting down 3...2...1...EXPLODE!