You contact your friend in the C.I.A., get a team of 17 Navy SEALS, storm the house of the guys who stole your car, tickle them to death with feathers, and take their lunch money. You were holding onto the Enderdragonegg when you clicked it, and you tp'd to the world of Glitches from Super Smash Bros. Brawl and you're being owned by Taboo because the guy who's playing you sucks.
Modify the code, recompile it, then run. The only symbol your computer will show is "~". What do you do?
Cut the rope with the knife in your pocket You can't play Eco City Craft for 1 month. What do you do?
Eat raman until the server's back online. You wake up one morning but you find that you've been taken to the Russian's secret space station behind the moon while a mutiny being staged by three bloodthirsty panda bears is taking place and Yuri, the head cosmonaut, is holding a lit stick of dynamite while running with a sharp object through the main shaft and James Bond is transported from an alternate dimension and uses his awesometicity to find a way back to Earth, but the only way to do it is to use obsidian, 2 cubic tons of sand, an enderpearl, some moon dust, and the Aperture Science portal gun; Wheatley then finally orbits back to the Moon but he accidentally knocks James out, and the pandas are now on fire.
I have an epileptic seizure, get depressed for 2 months, and find some other server to play on. You wake up one morning, and someone knocks on your door. You answer, and it's Captain Falcon. He looks angry.
slams the door in his face can call the police you see a minecraft creeper in real life he keeps telling you to hug him. What do you do.
put it in a box and mark it hospital you are a cook, and your right hand is burnt and you are right handed.
You go back in time to when India was inventing the number 1, but you change their minds and they substitute number 1 for 2. So in reality, the server would be the #2 Minecraft server. You meet andrewkm in real life
keep walking, never heard of the guy You are forced to listen to Justin Beiber for a year, and nothing else.
I'll just keep my ears closed all year and learn sign language. You are stuck in your room with nothing but a penguin and a duck to keep you company.
I have a good conversation with the penguin (whom I'm assuming is Glooble), and get a discount on insurance because I met the Aflac Duck personally. If he doesn't, then I make him a lovely stuffing dinner, then make my own dinner All the Smilies Icons are removed