Minecraft Username: @eekelmo
Brief Description: You can have two people with the same nickname on one server.
Instructions: Step 1. Choose a nickname while on the main server or lobby.
Step 2. Hop over to the other server, if you're on the main server, go to the lobby, if you're in the lobby go to the main server.
Step 3. Get someone to change their nickname to what you set it to in step 1.
Step 4. Go back to your original server.
Step 5. You now have the same nickname.
How many times did you recreate this bug?:
Two people with the same /nick.
Expected Result:
One person with that /nick.
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Hmm, if this works with going into the hub, technically you are going offline from ecc into the hub server, so wont the same happen if you log offline too then have someone change their nickname?? So I guess this wouldn't be a hub problem then.
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You are simply disconnecting from the main server when going to the hub. This is not network related and the same situation can easily be reproduced if you simply go offline. Please test and confirm if you can but I'm almost 99% sure my theory is correct on the offline thing. (Just as @GeorgiaMC said)