So I would like to be an engineer in the future. I know I am only in 8th grade, but I am planning a lot for the future. I want to be a nuclear engineer, but I do have some questions. So only if you are an engineer, know a lot about the topic, or are studying it in college, could you answer these questions. Number 1: Is it hard to get a job with a masters in nuclear engineering? Number 2: Would it be easier to get a job as a mechanical engineer? Number 3: What is an engineering firm? Thanks everyone, scratch
From my minor, minor experience, most schools yoy go to will have "sponsors." Basically this means that companies will have deals with colleges and such where they intern students, and pay them, in hopes of them sticking with and working for their company. (And might I add, the pay is actually pretty decent when interning, as least where I live)
I'm studying to be a petroleum engineer myself Where do you live? I could tell you a bit what the market is like for jobs.
I live in Santa Monica, CA.!3m1!1s0x80c2a4cec2910019:0xb4170ab5ff23f5ab
That's awesome, because California has a very good engineering market, especially in my area of petroleum. Nuclear engineering would probably be extremely hard to acquire, but I'd imagine a decent market with very high paying jobs. As for job opportunities, I'd imagine that you'd see many more for mechanical engineering, but lower payer in comparison to Nuclear. Also, an engineering firm is the office through which contractors (being persons or business that seek a type of construction) contact a group of engineers work under one company to construct a design or building to fit their needs. Just a freshman, but I've done a good bit of research, so I hope this is helpful!
Yes, though I'd imagine you'd have a more exclusive and private line of work. You'll also likely work closely with Civil Engineering and the government, as you're working directly with power-based technology.
I plan to become an engineer myself one day as well. I have it down to either petroleum engineer (I live in alberta, we are known for our oil), oil/well driller, weapons technician (I absolutely love guns and military equipment), or aerospace engineer (I find planes and space travel fascinating) Good luck though
You should join a FIRST Robotics Competition or FIRST Tech Challenge team. It is a lot of fun and you learn a lot about engineering
I'm going to be doing a lot more in terms of hanging out with Petro guys at my school, since last semester I was in Civil and wasn't quite ready to get my feet wet since I ended up transferring to Petro this semester. Now that I'm sure of what I want to do, I'm definitely going to be making friends and joining the different seminars to soak in as much knowledge as I can