Minecraft Name: lambielove Suggestion: Make it so that a player can sell emeralds to the server. Reason: You can sell any other mining block, so why are emeralds not included? Any Other Information: Would it be easy to code selling emeralds? I.E. Could a simple line of code could change a lot and bring up the market for emeralds, or would there have to be a whole new plugin? Link To This Plugin/Is this a custom addition?: N/A
It's not even a single line of code, it's a single line in a config file. It works like absolutely any other item that can be used with /sell. On that note: https://www.ecocitycraft.com/forum/threads/148187 https://www.ecocitycraft.com/forum/threads/99689
First, it would be easy to add emeralds as a sellable product. (Please correct me if I’m wrong) Secondly, both threads haven’t been denied. They are just extremely old, so I assume it got buried under the wave of suggestions always coming in. And thirdly, diamond markets and iron markets are still alive. I believe this will revive the emerald market that is currently dead. Builders can’t sell emeralds for money, and all emeralds to is at best give you a trophy. So why not make them sellable? This isn’t like suggesting a disabled feature or asking for certain commands, it’s just making emeralds sellable. Which I believe will help the market, even just a tad bit.
Except that it's literally the opposite. Diamonds/iron only sell for a bit over the server price, all while you can find tons of buyers clamoring for and snatching up emeralds for $35 (far more than what you'll find diamonds, gold or iron going for) - A good that's without a sell price! It'd hurt, if not destroy, the market, though. Either we'd set the server price lower than the market price which would lead to new/inexperienced users selling emeralds to the server, ripping them off, leading to less supply of emeralds on the market which would increase the price of emeralds, leading to less consumption as consumers will replace them with other blocks. Or we set the server price to the same level, if not higher, than the market price, and we see most users selling their emeralds to the server for convenience/profit... and that'd lead to an even less supply of emeralds, which would certainly lead the market to hike the price and consumers will surely substitute their uses for emeralds with other blocks even moreso.
What @UnitedStates2 essentually said. Plus, emerald ore is the rarest there is (rarity of diamonds (I think), spawning in a vein of one or two (if lucky), and exclusive to extreme hills biomes). When villager trading was still a thing in mining, I would see less of a problem adding a server price to emeralds. Now that’s it’s disabled, emeralds are even more scarce.
Emeralds are damn rare already and with people sell handing it’ll be impossible to get the medal. @Ladyvamptress has been buying for months it seems and it would just be so much harder to get it with a server price applied. (Just noticed what 314 said, Dewsy is right fellas)
Not even code, sis. Just a little bit of writing as simple as this: Code: dispenser: '0': 22.02 and I totally agree with you xD +1 And Pi, I hate to be that guy but.... *two lines