Eisenhower Investment Banking
The Pinnacle of E.C.C Success since 1.3
Who We Are:
Eisenhower Investment Banking is an organization of anonymous, Money-savvy members of the server Ecocitycraft, who are notable for their success in economics, their insight into money-making, and their general success on the server as rated by other users. Their job in this organization is to gather central tendencies, such as the amount of time a user has taken to repay their loan combined with the reasons why it has taken X amount of time to repay the loan, and a rating is derived from this equation. Ratings are put in "★" form, where ★(1 Star) is the lowest rating, and ★★★★★(5 Stars), is the highest rating.
We do not offer loans! We are merely a non-profit credit-rating organization used to protect the citizens wallets!
Each rating is made with careful consideration, as we know that a Loan can mean everything to a user. Our ratings are formed through a backlog into the users history by each user, combined with the interviewing of users this person has referred to. Five users rate this applicant, then the ratings are averaged out. Loans have become a very important part of this server, especially when money is tight at first until a period of self-sustenance by your towns income can be achieved.
We all understand that you may have the best interests of your investor at heart, but our individual company is there to make sure that both sides are receiving a square deal, and to assure that a conflagration does not ignite.
Located at #10 Wallstreet, at West of Spawn, the main building of Eisenhower Investment Banking houses the main offices and teller machines of the members of our company. We pride ourselves in not only economic success and fair ratings, but architectural brilliance, so everything down to our buildings foundation was carefully constructed.
Our History
In the dawn of Ecocitycraft, a small-time investment company, Eisenhower Associates, was formed. This building, established on the outskirts of the original spawn building, was notable for its major sign which read "IKE" Across the front. This building served several different purposes over the history of the original server map, until the map finally, and abruptly, ended. This small time company faded into the distance, as other, larger companies came into the limelight. The time of "Pax Eisenhower" was far from over, though. The shining lights of Push-button slot machines and minecart roulette machines were only the start for this proud and historic company.
Our Rating System
As previously stated, our Rating System uses a grouping of Stars to display who has the best, and the worst, credit-ratings on the server. These ratings will be displayed further on in this post. Below are the explanations of each rating.
★ = Poor Applicant: This user takes a long time to repay a loan, or does not repay the loan at all. We at Eisenhower Investment Banking insist you not offer a loan to this user until they clean up their proverbial 'act'.
★★ = Below Average: This user is known to take an extended amount of time to repay a loan, without a credible excuse as to why they can not repay their loan on time.
★★★ = Average: While this user takes some time to repay their loans, they are a credible user and if you are in the position where you can loan them capital, we do not disagree with your choice.
★★★★ = Above Average: This user repays their loans in a speedy amount of time, though they may stumble upon an issue once in awhile, they strive to pay you back as soon as possible.
★★★★★ = Extraordinary: This user is the Prime target for one to offer loans to, in the case that they even need such a loan! This user pays back in a speedy amount of time, no-matter what amount of money they owe, and we at Eisenhower Investment Banking suggest that, if you have the opportunity to, one should invest in this users ventures. This rating is the hardest to achieve!
Users Rated:
This is a comprehensive list that any users contemplating to give out loans may use at any time, free of charge, for reference. They are ranked from highest credit rating to lowest credit rating.
Five Star
Zeno78 - ★★★★★
Four Star
Heavensfallen - ★★★★
Komrk888 - ★★★★
Wewinagain - ★★★★
WolvieD2GMark - ★★★★
Three Star
Two Star
One Star
Users We have Invested in
Our companies anonymous raters have donated towards the following towns and citizens, and you should do such too! These citizens greatly appreciate every dime for their worthy building cause.
Dylnordstrom: $70,000
Kukelekuuk00: $30,000
Michaelwm: $20,000
Want to look more appealing to people when you need a loan? Fill out this application below, and once every few days we will rate all the current applicants after an in-depth look into their history. Simply copy and past the following code, and fill out the application. Do not edit the BB Code!
Reminder: This application is not the soul-decider in your credit-rating. We go into an in-depth background check, asking many different users, and judge you off of that. If you lie in your application, it will only hurt your rating!
Code:[b]Name(IGN):[/b] [b]Balance(Optional):[/b] [b]Length of time spent on server:[/b] [b]Avg. Time spent on server a day:[/b] [b]Notable Creations:[/b] [b]Prior Bans(+ Reasons for):[/b] [b]Referrals:[/b] [b]Rank:[/b] [b]Loans Taken:[/b] [b]Approx. amount of money borrowed:[/b] [b]Users you have borrowed money from:[/b] [b]Approx. Time you took to pay the loan back:[/b] [b]Reason you needed this prior loan:[/b] [b]Towns Owned(Optional):[/b]Eisenhower Investment Banking is a subsidiary of Mike and Ike Associates
Thread Tools
Thread Tools
welikeike22 Dean MartinBuilder ⛰️ Ex-EcoLeader ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Gameplay Architect Premium Upgrade
Canada_Blue BuilderBuilder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️
Name(IGN): Canada_Blue
[Length of time spent on server: 8 Months.
Avg. Time spent on server a day: 3-5 Hours
Notable Creations: Hotels, Yacht (with assistance of EgKoston and WhiteRaptor)
Prior Bans: 1 (Rasism/Staff Disrespect)
Referrals: Zeno78
Rank: President
Loans Taken: 2
Approx. of money borrowed:($10,000 each time)
Users you have borrowed money from: Zeno78
Approx. Time you took to pay the loan back: Same Day
Reason you needed this prior loan: Town Applications
Towns Owned(Optional): 2 Miami and, Orim -
Sputnick587 BuilderBuilder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️
Name(IGN): Sputnick587
Balance(Optional): Secret
Length of time spent on server: Since May
Avg. Time spent on server a day: Around 5ish Hours
Notable Creations: Mansion in Soulwood, Omeva (helped alot)
Prior Bans(+ Reasons for): N/A
Referrals: WolvieD2GMark
Rank: President
Loans Taken: 1
Approx. amount of money borrowed: 65k
Users you have borrowed money from: Kukelekuuk00
Approx. Time you took to pay the loan back: Working on it ATM, 15k payment due on Monday
Reason you needed this prior loan: To protect a town
Towns Owned(Optional): Craft City, and MapleWorth