I agree that tombstone should be removed. In my 2+ years on the server I have only heard of it causing problems. It has never worked properly.
Tombstone can be replaced with the lovely feature in essentials that allows you to keep your inventory. However, this can be abused in a pvp scenario.
Then would it be possible to remove it in a pvp arena such as feed is removed and /repair? ( I understand this is only in server created arena, such as the pvp world)
I have looked into what jamiesinn said a little bit Pvp world and sg arenas are in different worlds. I believe you can give the permission to only rising legacy mining aether and mining
I have tombstone and when I was staff, I had just logged in and hadn't had enough time to do /fly before a member asked me to tp to them that they needed help. When I sent the tp request, I had no clue I would be up in a high place and I instinctively started walking forward after I tp'ed to them. I fell off a huge farm and died in this town I was not added to. I had to respawn and do /back to pick my things up off the ground. Again I had tombstone and it did not work! I have fallen in my own town and it's worked, so I've concluded that if you die in a town you're not a member of, you will lose your stuff. I would think that if Tombstone saved your things when you died in lava, then there wouldn't be a real reason to buy pyro/pyro+ for the majority of people who buy the pyro features so they won't lose their stuff in lava. Another reason I would image is, where would the chest spawn at? If it's over the lava you run the risk of dying again, if it's under the lava, you run the risk of dying again, and what if it's somewhere like the Nether where there is nothing but lava in spots... if it spawned at the closest land block, you'd be forever looking for it! I think listing the deaths Tombstone won't work on would be wise! It would leave no room for error as users will be well informed of what to expect from that feature. Again, I seen it was mentioned that it covers falls, but when I fell in a town I wasn't a member of, it didn't work.
@Dccciz so it does say that! But it doesn't say anything about lava. :/ Still think it's wise to add a list of situations where Tombstone won't work... at the top even so it's not missed. Could you image not having fly in the nether, the adventure that would be to find the chest with all your stuff? Lol. You're very informative today. :3
You'd need fly+ for that Tombstone is too buggy and #1 on my worst features list . It's not reliable and not worth $20.
Also, another way to find it is to type /tomblist, and it will list the coords of the tombstones you have. So, if you die, you can ask a staff member/someone with tp++ to tp you there.
If we keep tombstones, we should add a command like /settombstone so if u die, a chest with yer stuff appears. Eg. I do /settombstone in my house in a town. I fall in lava. NNOO, wait! I'll check my house! La de da de da. Hooray! A pretty chest with my stuff in it! Yay!
#necro jk jk still on topic I'm not sure phys hasn't really told me anything idk if they tested or not.