IGN: blowtube123 Do you have the applicable cost in your balance? ($5,000,000 ECD): Yes How did you make the funds for this application. (Lying will result in a ban): Selling lots of stuff What towns are you currently the President of?: Area51 Awakening Bekana Berlin Dalton Efficientfarms Eruption Myr Newhorizon Nightfall Qohor Riverrun Thedeepend Tsunami Valleyfarm Volantis Zantorian What are your plans as an EcoLegend on this server?: Just kinda want the tag... Have you read the rules?: Yes Certain Staff handle applications at least once a week. Do not constantly ask staff to do your application. We can see there are outstanding applications and handle them when we are able to. As well, after payment has been taken your changes are not instant, please wait patiently as they are applied. All users must be aware they will be fined for an improper application. Take extra care when applying for various server features. By agreeing to this you are agreeing to abide by and accept the possible consequences of everything listed in this section.: Yes
@Physicistsmom @clou44 @Dewsy92 What Server Admin wants to take $5,000,000 ECD out of the economy first...?
Dangit beacon, EcoMaster looks sexier than EcoLegend Congratulations! I only wish I had the capability to get EcoLegend. I will get EcoLeader eventually though, mark my words
Thanks for helping with the economy - we all appreciate you spending some of that big stash of cash you have.