IGN: RyanBlocks2 Job wanted: Water Placer/Repairer Discount wanted: $500 per 200 by 200 water lane/ $100 per repair given DOnation features: Water, Tp, Fly, Extracommands+, Multihome+
guys just to clear things this isnt a job thats paying its a job to get a huge discount on perms at this farm
IGN: TM_iBeast Job wanted:dirt supplier and/or farming land Discount wanted: id say 1-2k not rlly much if any DOnation features: none Also, if you are finishing this by saturday night i wont be any help bcus i dont have access to internet on my computer till then
Just to make things clear im NOT paying anyone to work for this farm. ONLY sign up for job(s) if you are buying perms here in the future. Its also your responsibility to pm me or eek for a tp to ecofarms (or set a home there) and work. I will not be asking you to help,so you must take actions and do it yourself. Doing these jobs will raise your discount and currently srv123445 has the highest discount on the farms so far. Also please mail me in game listing what u did to the farm that day and if the job is done or not. if you do not do this the part you built on the farm will not raise a discount for you. If you want to sign up for more jobs or dont want your job anymore,please reply below. *note* Only 3 people per job so if theres a spot you want to reserve make sure to post below and thanks guys for all your hard work! pm me in-game if you have any questions or reply! I will tag all workers in this post. Please reply below to verify you willl be keeping your position and/or want a different job. thanks! eekelmo SparklyPotato2 Boomble123 SRV123445 Ctoolme RyanBlocks2 TM_iBeast sorry if i forgot someone!