yo I gave you my head. Only 2 exist, and sitomo has the other one. have you considered collecting hearts as well?
I have not xD Also, id like to point out that @BackToThePast & @emongolab may potentially be on board to help me with a slightly bigger project then just a museum on the town, but i will keep you posted when something is concrete. Thanks again to everyone who says theyll donate their heads and a bigger thanks to those who already have <3
Maybe I'll lop off my head for you... if I'm considered worthy But this sounds like a grand idea! I'll have to scrounge up something soon...
In the future will it be continued by the staff team, if you decide to take a break from ECC or cannot play due to any reason?
Everyones Head is worthy I dont plan on going anywhere, but if that time comes, i may hand if over to someone depends on if certain parties and other elements are sorted. But I dont plan on anything happening to me to not be able to maintain this.
Small update, Me and 3point have started working on this (not on the server currently) but things are going slowly But bumping to tell you I haven't forgotten Thanks to @Ninjaboy3113 for donating a few k towards the cause <3 Thanks also to @Slayer_boy_2000 who donated not just his head, but a couple others as well, thank you so much <3 I will get around to updating the secon dpost eventually, updating the first post with the correct amounts of heads as well
You should be honored to be in the museum. I should have to buy your head "quote from @Krobkins " <3 Sorry for another small bump Thanks to @TimmyChoi for donating his head as well as a small donation <3 A big thanks to @MAJOR_LENNIX for donating his and 2 other heads to the collection <3 Also to a former 2011er @HDvorteX ! One of my fav heads in the collection currently. thanks to @BuyLowSeIIHigh and another member for donating (I will remember yur name and tag you!) Up to 83 Heads now (time for some staff to donated theirs *Nudges @Exilenela and @DevotedToChrist * oh and *nudges * @WeirdBuilder and @pat2100 * ---- Heads Im looking for. As you may know, ive been here since 2011, and would love to collect as many heads for this project, but i would especially love to gain some older member heads, I am really looking for these in particular: @MoofinK @welikeike22 @SynWannabe @Larsphee (Really want this one) @EGO_downmaster @Michaelwm @D0rc If any of you come across this message, please contact me, as well as if you have their heads, i would love to hear from you.