Knears2000 what do you think of my suggestion?
It was Kmaxwell for the duration of the spawn town auctions, and if we count assets, she still is with all the Rising spawn towns.
My apologies if that post was worded somewhat pushy/bitter, or was taken as any other way, but I would appreciate my ownership being recognized. I'm almost certain you're unaware, but there is a rather lengthy contract actually stating my ownership of the towns, as well as the other owners' rights. Anyhow, again, my apologies if taken wrongly. I simply want my ownership noted, as I put a considerable amount of money into it. On a side note: I recall _John_Galt being rather wealthy due to his mass amounts of donation selling..
yeah i am but @3point14mp is more wealthy i cant keep up with his sg skills he makes to much money to fast for me to keep up with him in any way shape or form
Ok guys, I feel like we are nearing a very controversial discussion, that may become flamey. I recommend redirecting this conversation to the original topic, discussing the richest users on ECC. I have around 10-12 million in assets. 3.1 mil in cash, 2 star tools, 1100 usd in donation features (6000x1100 is around 6.6 million). I would say one of the richest users that have even been on our server is _john_galt.