I Know @iTzXtremeGaming Lives about 2-3 hours away from me and pretty much 5 hours away... Is @Vintage_Gamer! Anyone else Who live In Scotland?
@Vintage_Gamer is around 2 hours away from me, @moopmoop00 2-3hours from me I'd also like to meet @DiamondDesire @donkey5k @chanidanny @chanimeryl @Raccooy @averagejoe2012 @a18greek18 @ModernPerils and a lot more but can't be bothered tagging them all
I snapchat and Skype with players a lot but I've never met anyone in person. I live pretty close to a few former players, lol everyone in CO keeps getting banned or going inactive
I live in Newcastle. Most of my family live in Scotland so I'm there a few times a year. No point meeting me though, I'm really boring (apparently)
We often go to Durham to see the bike races they often have there. I can't really find the time or motivation to play atm
Ohh i forgot to mention! I would love to meet anyone near me, as well as any Brits/Aussies that are nearby (except @Dewsy92, he best come to me ) I might be meeting up with @pokemon9508 this weekend if my swim meet doesnt take too long