I'm sure there are a lot of us who have random items they no longer use but either can't sell it, or don't want to in case someone, somewhere, could find a use for it. That is the purpose of ECC Freecycle.
I have some items that I no longer wish to possess, but I don't want to sell them. I want to give them. I'm sure I can't be the only one. Double chests of jungle logs 'cause you cleared out some land, or planks and dirt from tearing down a farm? End up with a low enchant or enchant you didn't need?
Donators, Contributors & Staff!
Recent Donators:
I, KMaxwell, will now offer between 1-6 months of free e-repairs based upon current and prior donations to this program. This offer is effective on all donations starting 10/20/12 and going forward until further notice.
We would request the following template be used when making a request for any free item listed as available. While, yes, it will be first requested, first gifted, there may be a time when we would gift to someone who hadn't received an item before over someone who has, just to be fair.
Why you deserve a donation:
What type of donation are you looking for:
How many items have you received from us so far:
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Thread Tools
Thread Tools
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Available Items: Unenchanted
Iron Tools:
i-axe x4
i-shovel x11
i-hoe x3
shears x12
Diamonds Tools:
d-axe x2
Iron Weapons/Armor:
i-helm x10
i-leggings x11
i-boots x11
i-chest x12
i-sword x18
Diamond Weapons/Armor:
d-chest x3
d-leggings x2
d-boots x2
d-sword x12
Available Items: Enchanted
Iron Tools
eff1 i-pick
eff2 i-pick
unb1 i-pick
eff3 i-pick x4
eff2 unb2 i-pick x2
unb2 i-axe
eff2 i-axe x2
Diamond Tools
eff1 d-axe x5
eff3 d-axe x2
unb2 d-axe x3
unb3 d-axe x3
fort2 d-axe
unb1 d-pick x10
unb2 d-pick x3
unb3 d-pick x2
eff1 d-pick x7
fort2 d-pick
eff2 d-pick x4
eff3 d-pick
eff4 d-pick x5
eff2 unb2 d-pick x4
fort3 d-shovel
fort1 d-shovel
unb1 d-shovel
eff2 d-shovel x3
eff1 d-shovel
eff3 fort2 d-pick
eff2 fort1 d-pick
unb2 fort1 d-pick
eff2 unb2 fort1 d-pick
power1 bow x18
punch1 power4 bow x1
power4 bow x2
Iron Weapons/Armor
prot1 i-helm
prot1 i-chest
proj prot1 i-leggings
ff1 i-boots
kb1 i-sword x2
kb1 bane1 i-sword
smite1 i-sword x2
sharp1 i-sword x2
sharp2 loot1 kb1 fire 1 i-sword x2
prot1 i-chest
Diamond Weapons/Armor
blast prot4 d-chest x4
proj prot3 d-chest
proj prot4 d-chest x9
proj prot1 d-chest
fire prot3 d-chest x2
proj prot4 d-leggings x2
prot1 d-leggings x2
proj prot1 d-leggings
fire prot1 d-leggings
blast prot4 d-leggings
fire prot3 d-leggings
blast prot1 d-boots
prot1 d-boots
proj prot4 d-boots
proj prot4 d-helm
blast2 res1 d-helm
blast4 res3 aqua1 d-helm
fire3 res3 d-helm
fire4 res3 aqua1 d-helm
sharp2 d-sword x2
kb2 d-sword x2
sharp2 loot1 d-sword
bane arth1 d-sword x2
sharp2 kb1 d-sword
sharp3 d-sword
sharp3 kb2 d-sword x3
kb2 fire 2 d-sword
smite3 fire1 d-sword
kb1 d-sword
smite1 d-sword x2
smite2 d-sword
sharp1 d-sword
kb1 loot1 d-sword
bane4 d-sword
bane5 d-sword
smite4 fire2 d-sword x2
bane4 kb2 d-sword
kb2 bane4 loot2 d-sword x2
kb2 bane5 loot3 d-sword
kb2 loot1 d-sword
kb2 bane4 fire1 d-sword
bane2 d-sword
smite4 kb2 fire2 d-sword -
scottyang1323 CATS and PresidentBuilder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️ Premium Upgrade
I died in lava :? -
xX3PICREBELXx JiggaBuilder ⛰️ Ex-EcoMaster ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️ Premium Upgrade
I suggest making a application for people to apply for certain items and why they deserve it, +1 cool idea ;)
Yes, spit2015, you may have the shovel.
toucha01, there is a pick and an axe left, if you still require them. -
- updated with application form
- ECC Freecycle HQ currently under construction
- now accepting donations of items no longer required/in use (non-enchanted tools/armor/weapons of all materials except wooden, and low-level enchanted tools/armor/weapons of all materials except wooden). -
kyra981000 BuilderBuilder ⛰️ Ex-Mayor ⚒️⚒️
i have some old picks and axes i think i will see what i have
efficinty 1 axe
unbreaking 2 fourten 1 pick
thsess iteams are my failed enchantes and i would be happy to give them to you (they are a little used) -
Thank you, kyra981000, I will PM you in-game to arrange a meet location for the donation as the HQ isn't finished yet.
HQ now finished, located in Maerimydra. Portal is on Floor 17, on the red line. HQ located just outside the portal area.
Updated list of available items - 9/28/12 -
@spit2015 please fill out the following application:
Why you deserve a donation:
What type of donation are you looking for:
How many items have you received from us so far: -
- HQ now complete, with item storage
- updated donators, contributors & available items 9/29/12 -
Why you deserve a donation:beacuse idk why and i lost like 30k when i was a builder :p
What type of donation are you looking for: anything
How many items have you received from us so far: 1 -
scottmichaelj BuilderBuilder ⛰️ Ex-Mayor ⚒️⚒️
Why you deserve a donation: I am looking into PvP for the first time and would like some gear to start with.
What type of donation are you looking for: The full set of Pro. 3 if possible.
How many items have you received from us so far: 0
Thanks -
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