We now have a complete league! I will be sending you all invitations to the league shortly! Draft date will be determined soon, within a day or so of this post. @matrix_rep @minecraftninja05 @mista_J @DreamWeaver912 @pbj3 @steveshizzle @TM_iBeast @knears2000 @ChargerBoltz5 @elricofmelnibone @huntmeister97 EDIT: draft order will be revealed along with draft date
Alright folks, I found a draft date that I'm hoping that will work for everyone! 7/15/15 @ 2:00 PM PST Draft Order 1. @DreamWeaver912 2. @matrix_rep 3. @ChargerBoltz5 4. @minecraftninja05 5. @knears2000 6. @pbj3 7. @chargers2417 8. @huntmeister97 9. @mista_J 10. @TM_iBeast 11. @elricofmelnibone 12. @steveshizzle Let me know if any of you cannot make this draft date/time.
I got a baseball game at 6pm est and I gotta be there at 5, I don't think I can make it at that time, but I'll see
I'm free most of every day. I work nights, so i'm unavailable from about 11pm-5am EST. Other than that anything works pretty much. Edit: This Saturday I will be gone from about Noon-3ish Est as i have a final. Also, Sunday 11-6ish EST for a birthday party.
I can't at any time from 07/12 to 07/15, and then I will be gone again from 07/19 to 07/25. Therefore, the only days I will be available in the near future are 07/16, 07/17 and 07/18. I know I'll be gone a lot, so sorry about that; however, I can auto-draft if necessary.
Well, doesn't work for me as I'm caddying in a golf tournament. Anything really works for me as I can work around it. Later than 2 PM EST on any day works.
Would we all be able to do this coming Thursday at 3:30 PST? That seems to work for all of us, so far.
Thursday at 3:30 works for me. It's going to be really hard to pick a time that works for 12 people. Someone is probably going to have to auto-draft.