Awesome I'm third! I'll probably be doing it on my iPhone on Safarai, or if there's an app, I'll use that. EDIT: Does anyone have a link to a spreadsheet for me to print out? I can't seem to find one.
Yes, there is. Just go to the ESPN website and log in. Then, when you go to your team, there should be a thing that pops up saying the draft is happening and that you should click this button to go there. I'll do some tests later on my phone and if it works, I'll give step by step instructions to do so. Check the email you gave me. It should be there, if not check your spam or trash folder. If you are unable to find, I can resend the invite. What do you mean spreadsheet?
Like a list of all the nfl players to look at, it's not necessary I was just looking to see if anyone had one.
If you go here: there is a list of all the players and their projections for the season.
**Reminder** Draft is tomorrow, however if not enough people sign up for the league I will reschedule it. @jrg5978 @libbyyjo @Laxcd11 @emuthenerd @CharliePapa97 @MaxToMinimum @kirby1699 @WARPAINT56 @frozenfury7 @officepwnz123 @huntmeister97 @hayden1109 @BigB_Man
If it's still open, I'll join in! IGN: Iticip Timezone (speeds up the process of setting a draft date): EST Do you understand that I will need your email adress in order for you to be able to join the league?: Yes Do you understand that if you are unable to make it on draft day, after the date is set, that it will not be changed (unless a large number of members are unable to attend unexpectedly)?: Yes, I am familiar with auto picking. Do you understand the additional info section?: Yes Do you understand the info regarding the draft?: Yes ARE YOU READY FOR SOME FOOTBALL!?!?!?: Well, I'm a Jets fan...
We currently have enough members. When I said sign up for the league, I meant actually joining the ESPN league I created, sorry.
Are you 100% sure? I'll try and see if there is another way. Pretty much. I modified it a tad, also added so there will negative points for certain things, like interceptions and such.