Here is where you apply to Pre order a Plot in the Tower!
Plots availble:
*fist number is # available. UK means there are an unknown amount / unknown size*
**prices will be sorted out upon building completion. this is to reserve spots not to purchase.**
20 | 5x11 condos on first 6 floors
05 | 8x9 condos on first 6 floors
03 | business floors on bottom segment of tower
04| business floors on floors 6 to 10
uk| 5x5 condos on floors above
uk| 5x10 condos on floors above
uk| 5x10 shop space on levels underground
uk| 5x10 extra storage units on levels underground
uk| 10x10 extra starage units on levels under ground
Please format as follows:IGN:
What Kind Of Plot: (i.g. condo, shop, business floor,storage, parking, other)
Are you applying for Iron member?:
What floor?: (use a range)
Have you donated?:
If so how much and of what?: (to donate see Desgagne or BaccaAmp)
How did you find out about the tower?:
How much you are willing to pay:
Would you like it furnished:
To learn more about the tower please visit our site at
have a great day!
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cyril_figgis TycoonTycoon ⛰️⛰️⛰️ Ex-EcoLegend ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️ Prestige ⭐ I ⭐