I found something ironic. Here's a recent advertisement for ECC made by andrewkm: http://screencloud.net/v/7dHe
This is slightly off topic but... I also want to say that some people are not very good spellers, with age being a large factor. Personally, spelling isn't my strong point. It really bothers me when people correct me in a rude manner, which is usually why I don't learn from them. All I remember is how rude they are. I admit I have lots of spelling errors, and I openly accept that, so all of you grammar/spelling nazis, calm down. Not everyone can spell equally. I do agree though, that proper grammar and spelling should be used on forums.
Something I find annoying is Their/There/They're and Your/You're AND To/Too/Two. I know how to use two of them, but To/Too/Two is still confusing for me. >.<
I do not recall in my post (correct me if I'm wrong please) talking about spelling. To me, especially on the forums, there is an auto correct. You can get your words auto-corrected and it is no big deal. In chat I could a bit less. Heck, sometimes I even misspell a word or two accidentally due to typing too fast or not paying attention. I hope that my post in your opinion has not been a rude one. Thank you for posting!
"to" can be used to show direction or, in other words, be a preposition. It can also be an infinitive. "too" is usually in agreement with something. Think of it as a synonym for "also". "I like that car! I like that car too/also". Two is a number. You used it correctly in your post. Ex. This is how "to" use these words! I hope you can learn to use these words correctly "too"! It can be confusing because there are "two" ways to use this! If you forget, come back "to" this post to remember! On the topic of the thread, it bothers me quite a bit when people don't use "aloud" and "allowed" correctly. Same with "effect" and "affect"
Messing up sense and cents tends to bug me... I also cannot stand "Ohai" instead of just a hello or hi. Also: This is epic!
I like this, as I've seen many people's posts who are just an eyesore to read. I generally try my best to use proper grammar in all my posts, but sometimes I fall into the category you're trying to educate. I fully agree with your post.
" If you are going to take the time to get make a ban appeal, then you might as well check it over for sources of error. " This was a quote from your post, and since we are in the buisness of noting grammar mistakes, I couldn't pass up the opportunity to correct you. (the mistake was "get make a ban appeal") Anyways, I wholeheartedly agree with this post. Proper grammar and pronunciation shows that you are an educated person and have come past the age where you have not yet learned the art of grammar. It looks more sophisticated and tends to draw more respect and attention towards your text than if you did not even attempt to make a educated sentence. I'm glad you decided to make this post, as I hope it will direct people to attempt to write better in the future. +1
Hilv, I don't want you to be offended, or get mad, or anything. I'm just using this as an example: Last staff app of yours. Was it better? Yes. Did it still need work? Yes. You need to focus on punctuation. After a sentence and/or thought, put a (.) When you pause while speaking, put a (,) When you ask a question put a (?) . With time I feel you will get better, but for now try your best to include all those things. Believe me when I say this. We're not trying to pick on you, but help you so as to see that you're not picked on for the same reason in the future.
Although it's safe practice, take this with a grain of salt... I used to do it like this but it doesn't quite work that way half of the time. It is more for combining sentences and thoughts. Such as I could have put a comma between "this" and "but" above, but I didn't because splitting it into 2 sentences would make it awkward(lack of other term) to read back. However, in that sentence I did include a comma because they would both be proper legitimate sentences.
troll thread/title i should say because when we type it crosses our t's and dots our i's automatically