-$- Donation Feature Giveaway -$-

Discussion in 'Competitions' started by TM_iBeast, Aug 21, 2015.

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  1. hillybillybob

    hillybillybob Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Resident ⚒️

    Aug 17, 2015
    Trophy Points:
  2. hillybillybob

    hillybillybob Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Resident ⚒️

    Aug 17, 2015
    Trophy Points:
  3. BaccaAMP

    BaccaAMP Bacca Mafia
    EcoMaster ⛰️⛰️⛰️⛰️ Ex-Tycoon ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Prestige ⭐ II ⭐ Premium Upgrade

    Jan 4, 2014
    Trophy Points:
    IGN: BaccaAMP

    • Rank (including Donation tag): Tycoon $$$

    How much have you donated to the server: $145 USD

    What have you done to make ECC a better place?: I have put jobs into the economy and provided tools and housing for the builders of ECC. I have generously donated tons of money to help people in nWed pay off there loans. I've helped builders get resident das after join the server. Ive helped people who needed help understanding the server understand how the economy and forums work. I've done countless other things all with one goal, To help the server grow and the needy thrive.

    Why do you play ECC?: It's where my friends are. ECC was my first MineCraft server and is one where good memories were made. I play ECC for the loving and caring community, despite my rugged backround. It's the place I grew up the place where I learned the game. The place where I made many friends who I enjoy playing with and many friends I wish were still playing ( <3 kconahan).

    Favorite color?: I love the color Orange, because who doesn't love orange?

    Do you plan to get donation features or the ECD?: I plan to get the donation features, in hopes those features will allow me to make money to help out users, build up my nation and help friends.
    If ECD, what do you plan to do with the money?: If I had the ECD I would use it to either buy a feature to make more money, or to help users pay off debts or get the ranks the always wanted.

    If features, what features do you plan to get?: I plan to get some sort of sg kit because sg kits make money and are very benificial to make money which could be used for so many things

    If there was another competition for a donation feature, what would you want the competition to be? Try to make it as fair as possible for everyone. : I would want the competition to be a random raffle targeting players who have less features, in order to do that people who have over 4 $$$$ would only get 1 ticket, those with 1 or 2 or 3 $$$ would only get 2tickets, and those with no $$$ would get 3 tickets. This system allows for people who have no features a greater chance to get the one they wanted instead of having the high weathers get a feature the didn't need.
  4. Raccooy

    Raccooy Country Enthusiast
    Resident ⛰️ Ex-EcoLegend ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️ Prestige ⭐ I ⭐ Premium Upgrade

    Dec 18, 2012
    Trophy Points:
    Rank (including Donation tag): Ecoleader VIP+

    How much have you donated to the server:

    What have you done to make ECC a better place?:
    I have given many people random amounts of money for no reason and letting people wins sgs sometimes ;-;
    Why do you play ECC?:
    To help meh friends

    Favorite color?:

    Do you plan to get donation features or the ECD?: Features
    If ECD, what do you plan to do with the money?:

    If features, what features do you plan to get?: Pet Rider
  5. a18greek18

    a18greek18 Former EcoLeader
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-EcoLeader ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Premium Upgrade

    Jun 19, 2012
    Trophy Points:
    IGN: a18greek18

    Rank (including Donation tag): $EcoLeader$, VIP+

    How much have you donated to the server: $1375

    What have you done to make ECC a better place?: I help out new users and I do e-reps for free

    Why do you play ECC?: Simply put, to sh*t around and have fun with friends

    Favorite color?: Orange/Green

    Do you plan to get donation features or the ECD?: ECD
    If ECD, what do you plan to do with the money?: Buy items for my collections

    If features, what features do you plan to get?: N/A

    If there was another competition for a donation feature, what would you want the competition to be? Try to make it as fair as possible for everyone: When BlockParty comes out, maybe you could do your own giveaway with regards to that
  6. Lehon_

    Lehon_ Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️

    Jan 1, 2015
    Trophy Points:
    IGN: Lehon_

    Rank (including Donation tag): mayor [$]

    How much have you donated to the server: $35 USD. (Tp and multi-home)

    What have you done to make ECC a better place?: I have helped builders and donated ECD to builders/residents also I plan on doing something secret (that does help ecc) with my town.

    Why do you play ECC?: Because I love the community and the challenge it has to offer.

    Favorite color?: Green.

    Do you plan to get donation features or the ECD?: If I win then I would like the ECD :)
    If ECD, what do you plan to do with the money?: I plan on finishing my town and hopefully getting President.

    If there was another competition for a donation feature, what would you want the competition to be? Try to make it as fair as possible for everyone. I would say a trivia that test all types of general knowledge.
  7. haydensch

    haydensch Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-EcoLegend ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️ Prestige ⭐ I ⭐

    Oct 18, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    IGN: haydensch

    Rank (including Donation tag): President [$$$]

    How much have you donated to the server: $11o

    What have you done to make ECC a better place?: I have been known as the nice guy. and I have been selling plots to help grow the economy and I have been helping people that are not getting how to play ECC!
    Why do you play ECC?: I play ECC for the fun of survival and so I can talk to people and make new friends, and to learn about how it would be like to be an adult!
    Favorite color?: Blue

    Do you plan to get donation features or the ECD?: Donation Features
    If ECD, what do you plan to do with the money?: N/A

    If features, what features do you plan to get?: I would want fly or multi homes plus

    If there was another competition for a donation feature, what would you want the competition to be? Try to make it as fair as possible for everyone. Animal collector games. where commands are disabled and u have to try to get as many animals back to your farm!
  8. matt8865

    matt8865 Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Tycoon ⚜️⚜️⚜️

    Jan 15, 2014
    Trophy Points:
    Rank (including Donation tag):
    Tycoon, VIP
    How much have you donated to the server:
    What have you done to make ECC a better place?:
    I have helped people often and sometimes did giveaways.
    Why do you play ECC?:
    Because ECC is fun, duh :p
    Favorite color?:
    Do you plan to get donation features or the ECD?:
    If ECD, what do you plan to do with the money?:
    I plan on using the cash for my projects that are still at a standstill, hopefully will be able to get materials with the cash and possible still have some leftover and use it for a possible giveaway!
    If features, what features do you plan to get?:
    If there was a competition for a donation feature, what would you want the competition to be? Try to make it as fair as possible for everyone.
    Maybe Trivia?
  9. Epicmiti

    Epicmiti Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-EcoLeader ⚜️⚜️⚜️

    Nov 23, 2012
    Trophy Points:
    Rank (including Donation tag):
    Tycoon, [$$$]
    How much have you donated to the server:
    What have you done to make ECC a better place?:
    I have done many things to make ECC a better place - I was a moderator last year in October and I helped out the server a lot then by answering questions, enforcing rules, etc. Also, when i'm on, I will usually answer questions in global and at spawn. I try to help as many users as I can, without trying to mini-mod them.
    Why do you play ECC?:
    I play ECC for my enjoyment. When I've had a rough day at school, or just a bad day in general, it's nice that I can hop on ECC and have a kind, caring community that I can talk to. Also, I've kinda become addicted :p

    Favorite color?:
    Turquoise or dark red.
    Do you plan to get donation features or the ECD?:
    Hopefully, the donation features. I would love to get another donation feature.

    If ECD, what do you plan to do with the money?:
    If features, what features do you plan to get?:
    I would most likely get Pyro+, for when I'm mining, Water+ for fun, and Teleport+. I'm sort of stumped, because I would like those, but I could also use ExtCommands, too. I think I'm going for Pyro+, Water+, and Teleport+ :p
    If there was another competition for a donation feature, what would you want the competition to be? Try to make it as fair as possible for everyone.
    I would say a random drawing of users.

    PS: Thank you for being generous enough to do this Giveaway, when you could have used that money for yourself. I truly appreciate it, and I think everyone else who applied could say the same thing. Thanks again. :)
    #29 Epicmiti, Aug 22, 2015
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2015
  10. THCOOL

    THCOOL SolarNation Founder and Ex-smod
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Mayor ⚒️⚒️ Premium Upgrade

    Jun 7, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    Rank (including Donation tag):
    Mayor, $$$
    How much have you donated to the server:
    What have you done to make ECC a better place?:
    To help ECC into a better place, I have helped hundreds of builders and that is not an exaggeration. I used to run and still run a giant farm operation which requires extreme patience with new players as they often come back to ask questions about the server. My job is to not only pay them for their job well done, but also to help guide them until they can make it on their own.
    Why do you play ECC?:
    I play ECC for the escape into a new world. ECC can be a wonderful place and is extremely addicted. I am currently hooked lol. Its also really cool to meet people from other sides of the world. Just last night I met a player from New Zealand.:eek: Awesome!
    Favorite color?:
    Do you plan to get donation features or the ECD?:
    If ECD, what do you plan to do with the money?:
    If it is ECD, I probably plan on expanding my farm and operations greatly in order to endure much more workers at a time. Any left over cash I will save for future projects
    If features, what features do you plan to get?:
    I plan on most likely getting Ext. Creations since my ultimate goal is to get plus since I am in need of the erepair feature which is extremely useful not only to myself but for my towns and the community. If not, then probably ExtCommands or probably Water
    If there was another competition for a donation feature, what would you want the competition to be? Try to make it as fair as possible for everyone.
    If there was a competition, Id say the most fair way is to just pick out of a hat. Not much of a competition I know, but that way is the most fair just plain and simple
    #30 THCOOL, Aug 22, 2015
    Last edited: Aug 30, 2015
  11. mafhewm

    mafhewm Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Mayor ⚒️⚒️

    Aug 8, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    IGN: Legoperson

    Rank (including Donation tag): Mayor, [$]

    How much have you donated to the server: $30 Getting Tp in a few days or so.

    What have you done to make ECC a better place?: I've helped many people in need, have never been disrespectful to anyone, Helped players that needed assistance, Donated to a few projects ran by players.

    Why do you play ECC?: The community is awesome, and the server is the greatest economy server out there, I really don't know why anyone else wont want to play on ECC.

    Favorite color?: Red

    Do you plan to get donation features or the ECD?: Donation Features
    If ECD, what do you plan to do with the money?: Save up for a Star Tool

    If features, what features do you plan to get?: ExtCreations/ExtCommands

    If there was another competition for a donation feature, what would you want the competition to be? Try to make it as fair as possible for everyone.
    Trivia Night, Spleef
  12. Canadian_Apple

    Canadian_Apple Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Tycoon ⚜️⚜️⚜️

    Dec 2, 2012
    Trophy Points:
    IGN: Canadian_Apple

    Rank (including Donation tag): President/$

    How much have you donated to the server: $20

    What have you done to make ECC a better place?: I honestly just show who my normal self is, I mean, I was told I am a friendly person, but it seems I don't reflect onto myself very often, so I'm just shooting these ideas, of what people have said to me:
    Friendly and Very Helpful,
    Welcomes Builders and Brings new people to EcoCityCraft

    Like I said, I don't want to feel self-centered or judge myself in any way. (Just how I feel about it)

    Why do you play ECC?: I play EcoCityCraft for the fun and joy, ECC was my first ever server that I joined and I still play it, going on three years.

    Favorite color?: Orange. :3 (hehe this colour is orange #totalthuglife)

    Do you plan to get donation features or the ECD?: I don't exactly plan, I hope to get the possible donation feature, as you plan who will win the prizes. :p
    If ECD, what do you plan to do with the money?: N/A

    If features, what features do you plan to get?: I imagine I would get Extcommands or multihome. :)

    If there was another competition for a donation feature, what would you want the competition to be? Try to make it as fair as possible for everyone. I think a spleef competition possibly? Of course, it is you choice, just a suggestion m8. :)

    Eyy @TM_iBeast I enjoy this competition you created, :) always a joy to have someone being pumped to give thing away that they could use for themselves, good character ;)
  13. yokeby52

    yokeby52 Penguin?
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-EcoLeader ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️ Premium Upgrade

    Feb 18, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    IGN: yokeby52

    Rank (including Donation tag): President and [$$$$]

    How much have you donated to the server: uhhh I think it's around.... $310?

    What have you done to make ECC a better place?: nothing recently I've been playing other games and on other servers, but I used to give out diamond stuffs when I could or food and money at times

    Why do you play ECC?: I used to play for the community, and then slowly played it because my friends were playing.

    Favorite color?: orange, purple, gray

    Do you plan to get donation features or the ECD?: ecd

    If ECD, what do you plan to do with the money?: Use it to rank up residents to mayor or builders to resident

    If features, what features do you plan to get?: nahhh boi

    If there was another competition for a donation feature, what would you want the competition to be? Try to make it as fair as possible for everyone. make it a surprise giveaway. something like you look out for them helping and such and randomly gift them with it.
  14. taylordaisy

    taylordaisy Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-EcoLeader ⚜️⚜️⚜️

    Jan 1, 2015
    Trophy Points:
    Rank (including Donation tag):
    How much have you donated to the server:
    What have you done to make ECC a better place?:
    Use the features I have to help members of the community, and bought main_ville for 1mil to help the victims of the willclo scam.
    Why do you play ECC?:
    I find economy servers fun since they give you goals to work for and I've kept playing because of the awesome community within ECC :p
    Favorite color?:
    Teal or Orange
    Do you plan to get donation features or the ECD?:
    If ECD, what do you plan to do with the money?:
    I've been working really hard to get enough for a star tool, which is tough to do since all the prices of star tools have gone up :/
    If features, what features do you plan to get?:
    If there was another competition for a donation feature, what would you want the competition to be? Try to make it as fair as possible for everyone.
    Some type of random draw, because though build competitions are fun I am one of those minecrafters that is not very skilled at building :/ So building competitions might be a slight disadvantage to some
  15. EndersXP

    EndersXP President
    President ⛰️⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️

    Mar 18, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    Rank (including Donation tag):
    President, $$
    How much have you donated to the server:
    What have you done to make ECC a better place?:
    I give out free e-repairs and free tp's. Also I sell perms to my farm which helps others make money.
    Why do you play ECC?:
    I enjoy gaming and love the comunity of Eco
    Favorite color?:
    Green and Pinkish Purple
    Do you plan to get donation features or the ECD?:
    If ECD, what do you plan to do with the money?:
    I'm not sure yet, but if I chose the ECD then I would add the money to my melon sword funds.
    If features, what features do you plan to get?:
    I would like to start getting ext commands+, I know I won't get it all from this but I can start saving for it.
    If there was another competition for a donation feature, what would you want the competition to be? Try to make it as fair as possible for everyone.
    I think it would be interesting to see a some sort of build competion, I dont know how to could be judged but I think that would be fun.
  16. Twingirlaimee

    Twingirlaimee Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Mayor ⚒️⚒️

    Sep 16, 2014
    Trophy Points:

    Rank (including Donation tag):

    How much have you donated to the server:
    $I have donated 35$ which is tp and multi-home, but all the money is in game money I have not spent real money yet. For multi-home I payed 74$ and for tp I payed 300k even know its worth 100k.

    What have you done to make ECC a better place?:
    For most of the builders I give them free apartments and help them learn the rules, I try to help everyone because I hate it when I ask for help and no one helps me

    Why do you play ECC?:
    I play ECC because i love this server, personally its my favourite. I love to make new friends, help out builders/ new players to the server, and to see all the old players that have been here since it opened. This is a great community to be in, and I love this server more than anything. I am hoping not to leave any time soon! Its kind of like a whole new world. If tired of life u get on.

    Favorite color?:
    My favorite colour is baby blue.

    Do you plan to get donation features or the ECD?: I haven't really decided yet probably ECD because with ECD you can buy features because you probably don't want to send money on us and I understand that. This makes it easier for you.

    If ECD, what do you plan to do with the money?:
    I would probably save it, but if spent it maybe I'd: buy nstars so I'm closer to a star tool, donate to new builders, get maxed picks and more.

    If features, what features do you plan to get?:
    maybe the /back, sg kits, investigator( right now its 100$ off!), or extra commands

    If there was another competition for a donation feature, what would you want the competition to be?
    Try to make it as fair as possible for everyone. I think it should be something fair for absolutely everyone that plays, even new builders. SG is bad because of kits. Maybe some simple math , or maybe a random /pm competition or something that is easy. Nothing too complicated for the beginners :)
    Competion 1- This could be one like upload of photo of something, if photo is best u win
    Competion 2- I think events are really fair because everyone has the change to do it
    Competion 3- like I said above SG no kits so everyone starts on the same plate, if have kits its not really even
    Competion 4- PVP because everyone has a change there

    Thank you for doing this incredibly nice thing, @TM_iBeast! Your always so nice giving free ereps helping everything out, I wish I can do the same. Its very nice.
    #36 Twingirlaimee, Aug 23, 2015
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2015
  17. Natelev

    Natelev Skyblock Mod
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-EcoLeader ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Prestige ⭐ V ⭐ Premium Upgrade

    Dec 29, 2012
    Trophy Points:
    IGN: LordNate

    Rank (including Donation tag): Tycoon, VIP

    How much have you donated to the server: $705

    What have you done to make ECC a better place?: I do free services, help out new people or anyone who just needs a bit of help/ has a question, and I occasionally give back to the community by giving a random builder 15k.

    Why do you play ECC?: It's a really fun server, there's not much else I can say about it.

    Favourite colour?: Rainbow

    Do you plan to get donation features or the ECD?: I'd like to get the donation features

    If ECD, what do you plan to do with the money?: Nothing because I'm not going to get any money :p

    If features, what features do you plan to get?: ExtCommandsPlus2 and FeedPlus

    If there was another competition for a donation feature, what would you want the competition to be? Try to make it as fair as possible for everyone: I would probably also randomly select someone to make it as fair as possible, but if I had to do something different I would hold a trivia game! I love trivia and this is how I sometimes chose which builder to give 15k to, and I would include many different categories to give everyone a chance.

    Thanks TM_iBeast for giving this away, and good luck to everyone else who entered the competition!
    #37 Natelev, Aug 23, 2015
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2015
  18. DragRacer2725

    DragRacer2725 Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Mayor ⚒️⚒️

    Apr 13, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    Rank (including Donation tag):
    [$$$] Mayor
    How much have you donated to the server:
    What have you done to make ECC a better place?:
    I've helped people build their towns, as well as help many new players understand how this server works, as it can be very confusing to a new player.
    Why do you play ECC?:
    I enjoy the economy aspect of it, as I'm very interested in money. The lotto also keeps me playing, but the community that does generous things such as this giveaway is the biggest reason.
    Favorite color?:
    Light blue
    Do you plan to get donation features or the ECD?: Donation features
    If ECD, what do you plan to do with the money?:

    If features, what features do you plan to get?:
    Sg kits, depends if I get the $50 or $20
    If there was another competition for a donation feature, what would you want the competition to be? Try to make it as fair as possible for everyone.
    Maybe a build competition, where you give everyone a plot, around 20x20 or so, and have them build something specific and pick your favorite.
  19. Cpt_Falkon

    Cpt_Falkon President
    President ⛰️⛰️ Ex-Mayor ⚒️⚒️ Premium Upgrade

    Jun 1, 2014
    Trophy Points:
    IGN: Cpt_Falkon

    Rank (including Donation tag): [$$$] Mayor

    How much have you donated to the server: $120

    What have you done to make ECC a better place?: do ereps for people, tpa jobs, auction things for less than server price so people can get what they need, and give plots to people in my town occasionally.

    Why do you play ECC?: because minecraft is fun, and multiplayer makes it more fun.

    Favorite color?: Yellow

    Do you plan to get donation features or the ECD?: If I win the $50 yes. I would love extcommands++ and some cheap other feature.
    If ECD, what do you plan to do with the money?: If I win the $25, I would take the ECD so I could get extcommands++ with ECD

    If features, what features do you plan to get?: Extcommands++ and a small other feature

    If there was another competition for a donation feature, what would you want the competition to be? Try to make it as fair as possible for everyone.

    I would like a treasure hunt or an ingame lottery with a dispenser that would randomly choose people by colored wool. maybe even a speed build competition
  20. SuburbSomeone

    SuburbSomeone Shrubby Tycoon
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Tycoon ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Premium Upgrade

    Apr 9, 2013
    Trophy Points:

    Rank (including Donation tag):

    How much have you donated to the server?:
    $0.00. This doesn't disqualify me, does it?

    What have you done to make ECC a better place?:
    In order to make ECC a better place, I have helped many builders. For example, I am active in chat and help anyone who needs something by telling them anything that they need to know. I also feel that I have a positive attitude which can help people feel more positive about ECC as a result. In the past, I also sold plots in my town of Suburbville. It's becoming somewhat of a ghost town, but is still filled with wonderful houses. Someday, I may decide to revamp the town, and make it into something different than what it is currently. My other town, SuburbCity, will be a bustling, open city that I hope can become one of ECC's best.

    Why do you play ECC?:
    Because it's fun, and I have nothing better to do over the summer. I love to play ECC for the community. The community here has certainly helped me, and I hope that I can give back to it in any way possible. Without the community, I'd probably get bored along the way to Tycoon, and presumably quit. The community is what drives me, what not only keeps me on ECC, but what makes me love ECC as much as I do.

    Favorite color?:
    Green, Blue, and Gray.

    Do you plan to get donation features or the ECD?:
    ECD. I don't want a donation feature, sorry.

    If ECD, what do you plan to do with the money?:
    Invest towards EcoLeader :). I'd love to rank up as much as I can. That may be selfish, but this money would be a wonderful boost that would motivate me to help out the community even more as I would be a bit more willing to give it out following such a generous donation. A significant portion of it would also go towards my President town, which I plan to make into an amazing city for all ranks, all ages, and all types of people.

    If features, what features do you plan to get?:
    N/A- I don't want features, sorry.

    If there was another competition for a donation feature, what would you want the competition to be? Try to make it as fair as possible for everyone.
    A writing essay on what you like the most about ECC. Random draws would be nice, but they would discourage effort on the part of the applicant and, perhaps, give the least deserving user something they may not deserve. I feel as though a writing essay would prove effort and help show not only who is committed to the contest, but also who is committed to ECC itself as well as the ability to receive a generous donation such as yours.

    Also, @TM_iBeast- I find it admirable of you to give away $600 of your hard-earned money in order to reward others. Thanks for the giveaway. :)
    #40 SuburbSomeone, Aug 23, 2015
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2015
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