Very proud of how far you've come along and overall improved yourself in the community. Really, it doesn't go unnoticed. Keep up the good work and good luck on the rest of your debts!
Very good buddy! I'll be doing the same thing your doing but only with $940,000 debt Shouldn't be a problem now because I have time for minecraft
This post means a lot to me oreo, thank you for your kind comment! I am very proud of myself so far as to how ive just got stuck in and got the work done, and finally nearly finished! I also appreciate that you said that people are noticing, which wasn't my expectations but is a really nice thing to know and gives me more motivation to keep going, thanks again! Thanks zach, I wish you the best of luck with your debt too!
Sorry I haven't been helping so much. I said I would, but i only gave you like 5k lol. I'll try to give you more. That aside, It's very respectable how serious you're taking this and how much effort you are putting into this. Nice work!
Due to a recent bad event[edit], i've had to lower my playing time a bit to make sure she is okay and to reassure her everything will be okay etc, Not been making money as fast/as much due to that. Should be back to normal soon! 108k/1mil
Small update, been making money a little slower than usual, but getting back into my ways slowly but surely. Aiming to pay it off next week. 350k/1mil.
Thanks for pointing this out Deedee, it was a mistake as at the start I thought I owed him 775, then it turned out I owed him 745k, so I changed it but didn't change the other thing because I forgot. Thanks Updated
Due to a recent event, my money making will be slowing down for the next 1-2 weeks. I'm very sad about this, as i had wanted to pay it all off by next week, but it doesn't look feasible atm. However, i will continue making money, as i am 3 months ahead of schedule. My new target is to have this paid off by March, it should be before that though, so i'll keep grinding whenever possible
Updated main post of some debts that I have encountered on the way of my journey. All paid off except fazeamerican 400k and whatever is left of maroiogog, i am off for 4 days now on a long weekend and hoping to have it paid off by sunday. This journey has been awesome so far and i have proved to myself that i can make money with ease if i apply myself! So close to finishing this debt
I think so too! In the end it just comes down to whether you actually want to make the money and pay it or you don't.. I chose the first option Honestly with dedication and time you can get anywhere