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  1. CoughCoughCough Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Resident ⚒️

    Mar 14, 2013
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    IGN: CoughCoughCough
    Supposed reason: Banned by RyanJF1 Reason: Grief in discoville
    Counter-reason: Well, I can't own up to what I didn't do, as Zardgyer said in the comments section; under no circumstances could I have gone back to Discoville and replant the wheat I harvested for Revanrose6. As I said, that was because my inventory becamefull of wheat and I had to sell the wheat to revanrose6 first, and then replant it. But the wheat trade sign in Revanrose's farm ran out of wheat to sell, so Revanrose teleported me to him. Once I was teleported to him I gave him the wheat harvested and he payed me. Then I asked him if I could go back, (To replant the wheat, though I actually forgot to tell him that I was gonna replant the wheat) and he said no, the farm was closed, and I couldn't go back. I thought that the farm was closed forever, so I never went back to the farm again, and never replanted it. How would never getting the chance to replant wheat, result to getting banned? What did I do wrong? Please explain in the comments section.

    Evidence:My evidence is probably Revanrose6 once again, because he probably knows about the story above, where he said his farm was closed, and where he teleported me to him, etc.
  2. Revanrose6 Sith Lord
    ECC Sponsor Resident ⛰️ Ex-EcoLegend ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️ Prestige ⭐ I ⭐ Gameplay Architect Premium Upgrade

    Dec 18, 2012
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    Hello Coughcoughcough,

    I wrote the report regarding your ban. In this case, you were suppose to replant before you ever left. You even admit you left it unplanted for a full day before even contacting me. When you did contact me, you did not tell me what you were trying to do. I had specified you must always replant.

    Almost every farm on this server operates in the same fashion. If you work a farm and leave it without replanting that is equalled to griefing. Griefing is a bannable offense in cases of more than a few blocks.

    I realize that this may be considered a simple misunderstanding, therefore, I will be unbanning you. Please in the future if you use someone else's farm whether working for them or in the case of a public farm always remember to replant or fix any damage done. Thank you.


    Unbanned and Thread Locked
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