IGN (In-Game-Name/Username):HCPillarofFire How long have you played EcoCityCraft for:11 months What do you think is currently the number one thing missing from ECC:The 3rd and 4th pvp arenas. If we were to make an ECC Cloud system with various servers which mini-games would interest you the most? (Example: "Skyblock"):I am not sure I don't know what kind of other mini-games there are let me look into this. Is there any new donation features you would like to see in the future:Maybe a color code help list for extcreations users like /color help. Have you given us a diamond at http://tinyurl.com/eccdiamonds :Yes
How many credits do you have in total: How many credits do you want to redeem: What would you like to redeem them for:
Username: Why do you want to co-mayor america?: Are you willing to follow a specific guideline of co-mayor rules?: What rank are you? Have you ever been banned?: Have you ever griefed?: How active are you?: How old are you?: Do you have skype? (Please don't include your skype name): Do you have any experience with major projects?
Ign; Maxbld Reason: trolling spamming, i said trololo.... about 4-5 times Counter reason i understand what i did wrong i though ecc was a little too intense for me or "strict" but i found no results that satisfied me more than the economical veiw of eco city craft and i truly appologize Additional information: i DO NOT expected to be unbanned immedietly i would expect a 72+ hour ban because i was given ALOT of lee way as i was warned kicked warned warned then banned i understand what i did waa wrong and i hope to.get back to ecco city craft
Code: import java.lang.instrument.Instrumentation; public class ObjectSizeFetcher { private static Instrumentation instrumentation; public static void premain(String args, Instrumentation inst) { instrumentation = inst; } public static long getObjectSize(Object o) { return instrumentation.getObjectSize(o); } } [You can find this here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/20961892/how-can-i-determine-how-much-memory-my-classes-use]
2. Draft pick trades are allowed as long as teams trade an equal number of picks (1 for 1, 2 for 2, etc.). Draft picks can be traded anytime during the offseason, up until one week before the draft. 3. If you draft a player not in Yahoo, you must hold a spot for him on your roster until he is added, or forfeit rights to him.
1. Atlantic Revolutions Comparative Essay 2. ISMs Activity 1. Crash Course #35- Imperialism 2. Textbook pp. 879-894
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