So - people seems to be on the server, but ive gotten timed out for a few hours now. restarted pc + modem + router + installed newest JAVA etc, and i still cant seem to connect. I am clueless, so any suggestion would help to be honest. Let me know guys :) Might even be a reward ingame!
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I dunno if you still have the same problem, but.. sometimes timing out is on the minecraft end, not yours or the server.. I think. o.o
once like every 10+ min the server resonds, but ht has been off ALOT to day. ill wait and see what happens, seems like "everyone" else is working as indended ;P
Most people are running fine o.o
Just delete it, then reinstall...
I hope everything starts working again Lars D: -
I deleted, its still the same. Been having a hard time logging into my account on aswell. Also tried running the game in the browser(on - same problem.. So - im F***** ;/
internal client error connection timed out connect <-- The error ive gotten on 5 different non-whitelist servers today
connection timed out: connect <-- what im getting from
Gah! -
Is your java outdated, maybe? o.o I know all errors are usually java, but that is the only thing I can think of to look at next. D:
edit: also, it could be your internet. I'd call your provider to see if anything is up o.o