Minecraft Username: rNin Brief Description: Condense hand on an item stack will cause other stacks of same item type to disappear. Instructions: "/cnd hand" on an item type with more than 1 stacks in the inventory. How many times did you recreate this?: Tested 1 time only. Result: Either it should condense (reversible-type) 1 stack of item on your hand, or all stacks of same item type in the inventory. Expected Result: Condense 1 stack of item and have all other stacks of same item type disappear. Evidence: N/A Though, I had 8 stacks of iron ingots in my inventory, did "/cnd hand" on it, I only got 7 iron blocks and 1 iron ingot, which these is equivalent to 64 iron ingots (or 1 stack of iron ingots), 7 stacks of iron ingots went missing. Did "/stack" to test reload items, and "/price all" to check any items in the inventory, but then 7 stacks of iron ingot still went missing.
Can confirm this bug: Starting items: After /cnd hand: Meanwhile /cnd all correctly converts all of them: Please do not use /cnd hand at this time until we get this fixed. Added to our development todo list.
Can confirm now that condense hand works, no loss occured when using condense hand on 8 stacks of iron.