I, ThorOfAngels am hereby filing a complaint against the user yaralian24. The complaint is as follows: I lent my melon sword to yaralian24 under the impression that he would use it for himself to get a little money to pay me back what he owed me. Eventually, yaralian24 would use my melon sword and lend it to other users. At one point my melon sword was used by a member who was temporarily banned for using a mod with the sword. After finally getting the sword back (or so I was told) I allowed yaralian24 to use it for another few days. After those days had passed, I asked for the sword back. I have asked every day since in a kind and calm manner but have no received it yet. I ask that my melon sword be returned to me and that is all. Thank you for reading and I hope that this doesn't end up being brutal as yararlian24 and I were fairly good friends in the past.
I have some screens proving yaralian24 has Thorofangels's sword. http://imgur.com/HdcexBt,vc790oE These show him admiting to having thor's sword and in the first picture it shows someone asking for a prom date showing that this was around the time of prom.
Hello, 1st of all please in the future remember to use the proper format located here: That being said, do you have any evidence of your complaint?
Felon Username: yaralian24 Complaint: User borrowed melon sword and will not give it back. Evidence: drgreer7 has provided evidence as I do not have any. Additional Information: Proskit was user banned with my sword. I apologize for the lack of formatting, I just noticed I had processed this incorrectly. I didn't not have screeshot capability at the time but my good friend/co-mayor/mayor drgreer7 has saved a screenshot of said user with sword, stating very clearly that it is my sword and they have borrowed it.
yaralian24 - You have 24 hours to reply to this thread. Please present proof that you have returned the sword mentioned above.
Hello ThorOfAngels, Seeing as the user has been given 24 hours, and he has been banned due to loan scamming I will be adding melon sword scamming to his ban reason. I regret to inform you that you may not be receive your melon sword back though. Locked, ban reason added. ~pbrassat17 ECC Moderator