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  1. ninjafry1 Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Resident ⚒️

    Apr 29, 2011
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    Dear Andrew,
    I worked for welike or ike (as u may know him) For MANY hours/days to help him flatten/fill land for his town of Berlin. I paid some of the fee and he gave me the rest of the plot free fpr my hard work. I made a nice little house and visited it everyday because it had a farm. After the update and move i was unable to find the town and asked ike and others many times where it was. NOBODY would answer to me. I just came back today after FINALLY finding it, to discover that my plot is gone.. Ike had unfairly worledited it WITH MY CHESTS/DIAMONDS. He worldedited it by removing it from the town having a mod delete it without my consent or knowledge.I then tried to break dirt in his town to see if he also took away my promission to the town and yes, he did. I contacted him first (politely) bbefore i got you involved asking for an explanation and for a refund OR a new plot. I did prefer a new plot becuase i didn't want to have to result in Ike having to pay. He said no and blaimed it on my "LONG ABSENCE" from his town. I think this is unjust/unfair and should be dealt with. I do not understand why he couldn't ATLEAST contact me first. Again, I had no knowledge to where Berlin was after the move. Im upset about my loss of the plot and the things inside it. Thanks andy and plz help.

    PS TO IKE: I am very sorry i do not want to cause big problems with you because you are nice person and friend. so, of you could plz give me my plot or $ (as i said a plot would be better, I DO NOT want you to have to pay.) Plz solve this problem and work nicely with me and andy to fix it. Thanks Ike and i again apologize if this in any way upsets you. Sorry

    ------------------------------------- ninjafry1
  2. welikeike22 Dean Martin
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-EcoLeader ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Gameplay Architect Premium Upgrade

    Apr 5, 2011
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    I've given you 1.5k for the house.

    I have no idea what happened to your things. I sold the home to whoever, and it succeeded on-wards to whoever owns it now. I haven't seen you online in quite some time, and i periodically clear out people who show no interest in my town by not coming to it, and you appeared as such. The map changed occurred weeks ago, thats why your chests were "probably" unlocked. I never "Worldedited" your house away, as i wouldn't waste the money on worldediting one persons house away.
  3. Rezonl Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️

    Apr 12, 2011
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    Adding onto this, I purchased a plot in Welikeike's Town on the first map in Berlin. My main ambition for this plot was to resell it for a higher value, beacause of it's location. Prior to the new map being created, he kept telling me "you can't resell your plot yet" and once I asked him a few weeks later, he said "it was gone"

    He gave me the same excuse he just posted above, saying that "I had no interest in the plot and I wasn't coming to it"

    It was actually quite evident that I did have some interest in it, as I was wanting to resell it.

    In conclusion, I never got reimbursed, and he just stole about 1,000$ from me. As well, I see no Terms that are written in stone.

    Going Off Topic: I strongly believe mayors of towns shouldn't just completely rip people off, based solely on their greed.
  4. Sputnick587 Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️

    May 23, 2011
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    I can add onto this as well.

    On the last map, I had a house in berlin. Somebody griefed it, And Ike never found out who it was. After I was told of this griefing, Ike told me I no-longer have a plot since I didnt build on it. As I said earlier, It had been griefed. I asked Ike if I could get another plot, But he told me I could not.
  5. bkchaney Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Mayor ⚒️⚒️

    May 16, 2011
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    @ Rez - I understand your concerns about your plot, and I do not see any exact rules on what is defined for residents, but seeing as though your intention is to sell the plot, and not build on it and live within the plot, I see no interest being put into the plot, just a quick money-maker.

    @ sput - Did you rebuild on the griefed plot? Unfortunately mayors or presidents are unable to grief check, and you should have placed a grief report, since it was in a protected town. As for him not giving you a new plot, it is understandable, things happen and you could have rebuilt. If you left your plot destroyed and took no interest in rebuilding it, then I see why Ike would choose to clean up the mess and resell, for the labor of removing the skeleton of your prior house.

    @ ninja - If Ike gave you 1.5k for the plot, I think it should have been settled.
  6. welikeike22 Dean Martin
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-EcoLeader ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Gameplay Architect Premium Upgrade

    Apr 5, 2011
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    The simple fact that you purchased a plot from me in a high-active area for the sole purpose of re-selling it, instead of building on it in the weeks that you had, severely insulted me, and eventually i took the stance and re-sold your plot. I worked my ass off building Berlin on my own and its a personal insult when someone buys a plot and IMMEDIETLY goes and tries to re-sell it, which is what you did. I was well-within my right. You had MORE than a month to do something with your plot and yet you did absolutely nothing with it besides put a little post that stated "For-Sale" despite me telling you time-and-time again in ventrillo that i had-not finished the terms for selling plots, and the fact that it was on the bottom of my list.

    @ Sputnick

    I honestly have no remembrance of this occurring, i don't even remember you ever owning a plot, so i can't really take a stance on it.,,,,
  7. mattdar Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Mayor ⚒️⚒️

    Jul 3, 2011
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    Locked for andrew to review.
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