Hey, just want to state first i'm not one to complain, but i had no other choice... Felon Username: Mr_Sandvifch Complaint: Building 1 block from my boarder, building walls to be exact. Evidence: Kuke saw it. It's right outside of my Region... ZelRok. Additional Information: Well i just got my Mayor today, along with my town. I needed my land to be flat so i hired John, and Mr_Sandvifch. Multiple times Mr_Sandvifch stop working, as did John but the diffrence is... If I would say to John please work, he would do so. As did Mr_Sandvifch until about the 5h time, he was making little bases outside of my town (While he was suppose to be working) I told him "Please work" he replied "Ur mum." So I would do the normal thing anyone would do /region removemember Zelrok Mr_Sandvifch. To prevent grief ect. As I went off to make dinner for my Son, I come back and there are walls surronding the outside of my town. Thanks guys, i don't know what will be done, i just want it removed. I can do so my self if needed. Like I said this is tough for me, thus i just want everyone to get along and just play the game, but sometimes something must be done.
Lol, no but the log will show. Also my town is near Miragecity, if u go out to the left- I'm online i'll just tp u to me.