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  1. TurdSMEEGLE Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Resident ⚒️

    Jun 10, 2013
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    Felon Username: legendarytrio

    Complaint: took away my perms from the town of winshear without mail notice saying I had three days to remove my items

    Evidence: <a href=""><img src="" title="Hosted by"/></a>

    Additional Information: d_face012 the owner of windshear when I purchase my 30x30, said when he sold windshear we would not lose our perms when he sold it, one day I came to finish my farm on the 30x30, but I no longer had perms, I did not know of the command /rg I at the time, so I could not figure out who owned the town, until today when I used the command and found out legendary trio was the current owner of the town, when I contacted him about getting my perms back he said I could not have them back (which he illegally took) here is the section of the ecc rules that apply to this situation
    *Clause IV: Seizure of Property*
    Mayors have the right to remove anyone from their town at any point, regardless of reason, without the need for a refund of the cost of the plot, as long as the following criteria are met:
    • Sufficient warning is given ahead of time (a minimum of three days required, for evicting entire towns we appreciate 7 days notice by means of a thread posted on the forums in the town section regarding it.)
    • The user in question is given time to move their items from the town in question
    However, under circumstances where a serious breaching of the rules has occurred, such as in the instance of grief, the user is banned from the server or alternatively the mayor has expressly specified (proof of which will be required), the above criteria need not be met.
  2. clou44 Professional Forum Stalker
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Tycoon ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Premium Upgrade

    Sep 5, 2012
    Trophy Points:
    This issue has been solved in-game.

    Complaint locked.
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