You just tped to the spawner, correct? Lets say you mine into a nearby cave and walk to the surface. Typing /back would take you to the last spot you tped to, the spawner. Then if you want /back again, the pumpkinfarm.
Actually...if i think about already tped to the spawner, so if you went back it would be the place before the last of the spawner. Woops, man, what a brain twister.
Said a few times, that I'm not really looking into adding new commands atm, friends lists aren't supported in Essentials. Multiple player, and better player matching has already been coded in Essentials3, maybe i'll look into porting it to Ess2. As for /back, it was decided this would be too powerful, and be somewhat overkill.
Change the command "/repair <hand|all>" to "/repair [hand|all]" so that if you put neither hand or all, it would do the "/repair all" command. I'm not sure if andrew configured it to be that way, I would just find it easier if it worked that way.
Combine the /fly and /speed commands so that you can do /fly 4 and it will activate fly and set your speed at 4.
I know a quite simple plugin that I know/contributed to. (I lost contact with person). If you would like more info just start a conversation with me.
Change the "/near" command to order the people in order of proximity. This would make the command look much less cluttered and more organized.
You can already do that. If i type /worth dirt 5000 it would tell me the worth of 5000 dirt... But what i really don't want to do is count the stacks and do that number times 64. 7 stacks times 64 = calculator.
I know you don't want new commands but I dunno about this... /ignore commands So you can ignore all the annoying tp requests and stuff. /pingelite SPAM THE SCREEN WITH PONG
/tptoggle already allows you to ignore TP requests. Why would you need to spam your screen with Pong?