I would honestly love a friends list feature. as in, /who friends would give a list of people on your list. nothing to major, just a way to check who is online without sorting through one at a time
Weaken /pay and make it less sensitive.... I once sent 9k worth of money when I was paing someone $500
The command /time currently exists, it shows you the current in-game time of the world you are in as either a 12-hours clock, 24 hour clock, or in a tick count
Good advice, but that doesn't change the fact that paying multiple people shouldn' be coded in. There is no conceivable time when you would want to pay people based upon similarity of name. Since its useless and detrimental, it should go.
The flaw is, if my name was "_TANSTAAFL1" then ANY money sent to you, would go to me. You'd have to wait until i went offline until someone payed you. Someone would type in "_TANSTAAFL" and since my name has all the same letters in the same order, i would get the same stuff you got. I think it should be coded so it will sent money to the exact thing you type in. So if you sent money to "_TANSTAAFL" it would go to you only, not anyone else with the same letters. Someone with a short name would be a problem. I could have a really long name yet the letters "MHXL" could be in there, then MHXL would have all the money sent to him, also sent to me.
/ignore <user> <user> <user> etc. It's different because you can ignore multiple users at once, instead of typing /ignore over and over. Also, /back <#> goes back however many times you were at a place. For example, if I were to go to a town, another town, a pumpkin farm, then a mob spawner, /back 2 would take me to the second town.
No that would be the pumpkin farm. Lets straighten this out. You log onto ECC, tp to Town1, then Town2, then Pumpkinfarm, then Mobspawner, doing /back 2 would take you to the pumpkinfarm, you were there 2 times ago.
Wait no it wouldn't. You log on, town, second town, pumpkin farm, mob spawner. Going twice back would bring you to the second town.
Wait...you end at the mobspawner? Your at the mobspawner when you type /back 2? Lol, okay then, your right.
No, wait! When you tp to the mobspawner typing /back would tp you to the mobspawner. So tp 1 = mobspanwer. tp 2 = pumpkin farm! Hah!
typing /back wouldn't lead you to the mob spawner because you are already there, silly! typing /back would basically bring you back to where you were before, then /back 2 is 2 times before, which is second town!
/tpahere <username> <username> <username> /tphere <username> <username> <username> /tpohere <username> <username> <username>
/tpaall -<username> <username> /tpall -<username> <username> Teleports all users to you, except the users listed after the '-'.