Command aliases can be configured in the config file, so this would be up to andrewkm. Hmm, I guess I'll update the op with this list list of commands in my plugin.
I have no idea what you mean by this... But as I said earlier, I'm not really looking for new commands, but rather ways of improving what we already have, to make peoples lives easier. New features and commands, need to be requested through the proper forum and need to go via andrewkm. I'm talking about making code changes to the commands we already have in game, to save time on stuff you do every day.
I have a few suggestions. I posted them in your other thread. /worth Defaults the worth to one stack, not the amount of whatever item is in your hand. /worth stone would give you the default of 64.
/donation, an addition to /kit to tell you what kits and what donations you have. Can limit the number of people constantly asking if donations have been processed by simply having them check for themselves
I'm not really looking for new commands, but rather ways of improving what we already have, to make peoples lives easier. New features and commands, need to be requested through the proper forum and need to go via andrewkm.
Maybe something that alerts you when you can use your kits again? Also, a command to check the mails you have sent would be cool, and another one to clear them.
Just pointing out, I said in addition to, maybe if you /kit it would come up like: Kits Available: Starter Water Anvil Donations Purchased: Water Extcommands Extcommands+ Or something like that, I'd be happy to pm Andrew if you think that is the correct place for this
/stack -stacks all the items in your inventory up to 64 per stack /stack hand -stacks all items in your inventory in your hand up to 64 per stack /sort -sorts your inventory based on item. ex: swords->picks->potions->cobble->sand or whatever is in your inv
Essentials runs on over 100,000 servers each day, something like this is not appropriate. I've said several times, I'm not currently looking for command suggestions.
/worth all So if I have 567 dirt blocks in my inventory, I don't have to go get my calculator. Basically /worth, but more than one stack.
*GASP* Thanks phip, my 777th post would have flown past and i wouldn't have noticed it Actually, i was glad about that suggestion, didn't figure out it was my 777th XD
Some of these aren't related to ecc but could still improve Essentials. /fly and /speed Allowing you to break blocks at normal speed while flying. Also '/speed reset' resets your fly speed to the default fly speed. /ptime Configurable option or permission node which saves your ptime when you log out, so when you next log in your previous ptime is restored. /tempban Adding the ability to include a reason with tempbans. /tempban <player> <timediff> r:<reason> Probably have to be in this format because timediff can be '1h 1m 1s' as you would know. This could also be added for /mute and /banip. /tppos Adding ability to include world name for cross world teleporting with /tppos. eg - /tppos <x> <y> <z> [world] [yaw] [pitch] Of course cross world teleporting will only work if they have essentials.worlds.<worldname>. /jail Adding the ability to set a release point. /vanish Adding configuration options to configure things like interaction with doors while vanished. Also, thanks for your great work on the Essentials plugin.
Also showing how many homes you have set and of the maximum you can set. Something like this: You have set 3 of your maximum 5 homes. Homes: home, camelot, farm Only shows this if you have the ability to set more than one home.
/ignore Make it so that you can ignore a player who is vanished. If you try to, it says "Can't ignore [player], they are currently offline."
Not necessarily a command but adding the ability to add items to trade signs without having the items/stacks in your hotbar. Walk up to one of my trade signs selling dirt and i have an inventory full of dirt I want to add to the sign. As it stands now I have to move the stacks to my hotbar to click the sign and add them. I'd like to be able to walk up to the sign and be able to add a stack at a time without having put each stack in my hotbar. Similar to how [Sell] signs work.