So I had a bit of time today, and I ran through the tutorials section to see what the deal is. Here are my thoughts, feel free to comment/rebut/agree/disagree with my opinions DELETE ~ This one appears we can just delete...would be absurdly hard to maintain unless someone can convince andrew to release every last price change in the past 2 years ~ Do we still need this? Can it be updated?...Dunno if we should keep this or not. It's pretty dated; hasn't even updated from Tycoon+. Maybe the moneymaking methods and town setup piece could be made into a separate tutorial (or tutorials), but this one itself probably can go. UPDATE/MOVE ~ This just needs a few pictures; whoever wants to add them can. Pics will just make the readability and such better. ~ Just needs some updating here and there and all is well.'s_Getting_Started_Guide ~ I like this tutorial. Probably going to do a once-over and maybe add some information about the hub, but other than that, I say keep it. ~ Might want to see if the MiniMap still works, and if it does, this should be updated. If not, I think we should archive it. ~ I really like this tutorial as well. Just should be moved out of the "About our Wiki Team" section (which I can take care of if deemed so) ~ I'd personally like to see an update here with how to insert images, as people seem to struggle with that quite a bit. Imgur and such can be daunting, so I think including that in there might help people out a bit. ~ @TaylorBros22, checking this with current contract approval guidelines might be a good idea. I don't remember how often that one thread in the section was updated/when changes were made since I left staff a while back, so just a once-over here might be in order. ~ Same deal; @TaylorBros22 might want to just check for relevance with current staff standards. ~ Edit this to include the Aether as well, and maybe a bit more detail. I've noticed people asking what the Aether is, and maybe directing them here can help that out. ~Merge these with the main tutorial section, as it is redundant (you click "Wiki Team" to get there, obviously the tutorials are written by Wiki Members ) The /2fa article is still in progress - I didn't forget! I am looking for the original article and waiting on a video from one of my buddies to complete the project. OTHER ~ Don't know if this is still happening...If so, update? If not, archive it? Not positive it serves a whole ton of purpose right now. Add more user tutorials: This could be a way for the wiki team to get involved with community contributions. Some people have had awesome ideas, let's get them to submit them! This is a lengthy post, I know, but running through it could get some edits and fixes decided upon. @Mission001 @TaylorBros22 @Smorezs @Nicit6 @Dewsy92
Also went digging in the wiki suggestions forum, and uncovered this. Maybe someone would be interested in creating it if we can get the data directly from the source (Jamie or Andrew) or if someone wants to do extensive testing to uncover it all? Working on adding to this as well as revising other tutorials. Just letting you know.
@goblizz I haven't been ignoring your earlier post, I havent had time to look through it. I'll try to do it in the next week or so, and I'll let you know here when I am done Sorry
The two you tagged me in look fine to me, although in the second- revanrose6 and onscenereporter may want to be replaced with, say, nicit6 and andrewkm?
Looks good to me. And featured towns aren't happening anymore, unless they've started it back up recently.
Dunno if you wanna start moving some of them and striking them off in your post @goblizz I have moved the Featured Towns section into the Archive.
Man, missed this reply; If someone could shown me in a quick tutorial here of how to archive, I'll work on it
Finally made some of the changes. Left out the tutorials page because it seems pretty empty at the moment and the staff list because tbh if linking to a staff list on the home page, it should just be the one in the staff app forum. Unless there's more information I don't really see it being a useful page. Anything else needing to be added/thoughts/etc? @Mission001 @TaylorBros22 @goblizz
I like the staff list being on the wiki. I can't think of anything else atm, but I'll let you know if I do.
All I see changed is 2 extra links on the main page eco leader list and interviews.... No reordering/removing of things lol