Minecraft Name: minecraftbros0 Suggestion: A conformation message when doing /ci, /clear, etc. Reason: Well, a lot of people do /ci not knowing what it does or they do it on accident. When this happens, people lose a lot of hard-earned tools and other stuff. Other Information: *EDIT: Since @JamieSinn is interested in making this happen, I'm adding a few more things* Usages of clear inventory: /ci /clear /clearinventor *Note: this is only available for users with ext commands* Warning message: Clear inventory? **WARNING! The items will be gone FOREVER!** /clear accept or /clear decline Link to this plugin: N/A
I don't think this is the best way to go about this - /ci won't change as it's an essentials command meant for Admins to quickly delete items. Now, if we had removed /ci and replace it with a command coded to give a confirmation, might be a bit different.
Can't we just directly remove /ci and /clear? If there are unsellable items in your inv, they can simply be thrown into lava...
With andrew as owner, people had made this suggestion countless times, and it baffles me why people still suggest it, anyway... Since we have a new owner, we may have a chance of getting this added. Although, if you aren't happy with the command, don't use it. How can you accidentally do "/clear", it fries my brain.
This is exactly why this command needs to be an administrator command as standard users might use it with their EFF 7 and bam.... it's gone.
Might I point out, that KHobbits has explained that /ci was never intended as a player command, and instead designed for creative servers. Now, I have seen this suggestion multiple times, and I might be interested in creating the custom command for it. I'll post an update here, or in another suggestion.
This is the exact reason the command is still implemented I'm not sure of phys' views on this subject but as bad as it may sound, the previous owner wanted people to lose star tools. The less in circulation the better. (I say want as a more general term, I do not think Andrew had fantasies about people Losing hard earned items.)
I would say that was more of a common typing/ common sense issue, rather than an issue with the command.
I vote we remove ci from extcmds. Noone uses it, and most people just do /sell all if they dont want stuff or throw stuff on the ground.